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Imelda followed the directions to Ocean's room which Zane had given her. Automatically, they assumed he must be at home since his automobiles were all present.

There was no sign of his presence when she entered the passage that led into his living room. Knowing he loved loud music, she assumed he was sleeping or probably not around. She thought of turning back but remembered she had promised her father that she would try besides she didn't want to be at the receiving end of her mother's wrath again.

She turned the door knob and the door opened. She had the urge to turn and walk back again but decided on the spot that his absence was better than his presence. She could look for a pen, drop an apology note and be done with it. Apologizing to him felt like eating her words and he would definitely gloat.

She decided she wouldn't take shit from him. If he so much as makes a snide comment, the deal is off. Her father, she was sure would forgive her anyways. Her mother on the other hand, she wasn't so sure. Bearing that in mind, she pushed open the door of his living room and walked in.

It took a minute for her eyes to adjust to the dimness of the living room. She was hearing moans coming from the dark interior. She looked towards the bedroom which was well lighted and the door was ajar and saw Ocean pounding away on a woman from behind. She didn't know when she spoke.

"Jesus Christ!" she ran out of the living room. She was breathing heavily on the balcony trying to catch her breath when a shirtless Ocean joined her.

She glared at him and faced away from his chest immediately.

"Why are you glaring at me? I was the one who was interrupted not you"

"I don't care what you do in your spare time. Just have pity on the human race by locking your doors when you have the urge to fornicate"

"Or you could learn to knock. You walk around everywhere as if you own the damn world. I am sure you got lost because I am pretty sure that you won't be caught dead in my room"

Imelda remained mute trying to forget the image of Ocean and the other woman.

"I was shocked at seeing you in my room that was why I stopped. I wouldn't have done that for any other person. That lady in there has cost me a lot of time and money; tell me where you were heading so I can give you the proper directions and go back to my 'fornication'" He said sarcastically.


Ocean interrupted her. "Before you say the hospital, remember that I am still on suspension. Besides I no longer want to work at Ben Kennedys Surgeries"

"About that" Imelda started then looked towards the room and looked back at Ocean and raised her brows.

"About what?" he prompted.

"We need to talk and I am not comfortable with her just lying there probably eavesdropping"

"She is not that kind of girl besides, what do you want us to talk about that you wouldn't want another person to hear about?"

"Can't you ask her to go then you see her some other time?"

"Can't you leave this talk and we can have it some other time?" Ocean countered.

"It's really important and has to be done before dinner"

"That important? You want to suspend me from being an Olisaemeka now?"

"Quite being a smart ass and ask her to leave"

"You are being serious?" At her nod, he continued. "If we were friends, I would have considered it but since we are not, I am not willing to, so you can go, I will seek you out when I am done and we can have that talk, probably before dinner"

Imelda thought he was joking; one look at him convinced her that he was not. Thinking on her feet and taking a decision there and then, she pushed past him and walked into his bedroom.

"Time is up bitch. Ocean is my boyfriend. I was away on a business trip. He needed a pass time so he hooked up with you. I am here now so it's time to bounce"

The lady, who was on the bed lying and waiting, sat up now and looked at Imelda.

"Ocean never mentioned he had a girlfriend"

"That's because we were off for a while. You see, he is HIV positive" At that the girl sprang out of the bed. Imelda continued as if she didn't see her reaction.

"When I found out that he had infected me, I called it off for a while but seeing that I cannot live without him, I had to come back and claim him, AIDS and all"

By now, the girl was hastily putting on her clothes; even her bra was buckled unevenly. Imelda didn't dare look at Ocean; she could imagine how murderous his expression will be.

Oh oh oh. Oceane thought. Whether by hook or crook, he will definitely get his pound of flesh. She should just watch, wait and see.  

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