𝟏𝟎. 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐞𝐧

Start from the beginning

How I would love to tell you what I want to tell you in person but we both know once I speak it'll last for hours but here it is you have turned to the most beautiful and fierce person there could be and I am so proud of being your father seeing you grow up into the woman you are and excited to see who you become. I know that if we were all together your mother would have the same thought. She always knew that you were to be the most wonderful person there could be striving in the dark to come into the light. I know one day she will be able to tell you in person but until then I'll be there to tell you, reminding you who you are.

The happiest birthday my beautiful princess pirate.

If the gesture for her birthday wasn't enough, bringing up her mother practically brought her into tears.

Elizabeth had always been close to her parents; they were practically her best friends when she was younger but she had always been closest to her mother. Her mother had always been someone she wanted to strive to become, showing her how to be strong, how to be kind, how to be close to her faith, everything Elizabeth had to thank her mother for.

When Jack and Elizabeth were sent off to the Isle that was the worst day in the young pirate's life unfortunately for her it was also her birthday.

Losing her mother was like losing a part of herself.

She knew that one day they would all be back together, they just had to, but it didn't change the pain of not being together everyday that had passed.

But knowing her parents had hope in them still had her grow hope in the dream as well which she kept to herself knowing how hoping too much was terrifying in the Isle.

Taking her letter Elizabeth walked over to her window, luckily for her it looked right over to the ocean, looking off to the dock shifting to the ocean having one thought in mind.

"Love you mama."

What she didn't know across that ocean her mother was looking right at it as well.

"Happy birthday, my pirate princess. I love you."

Moments have passed with Elizabeth finally taking her eyes off the ocean making her way back to her bed organizing her new items that was until she heard the knock on her front door.

Furrowing her eyebrows Elizabeth stepped out of her room heading over to the door making sure she had her sword on her before opening it only to be met with a pair of familiar icy blue eyes.

"You never knock, why did you knock?" Elizabeth immediately questioned the pirate leaning on her door frame thinking back to every single time Harry had come to her home he had practically invited himself in.

"Hands are full." Harry responded holding up a large bag Elizabeth barely noticed he had but she continued to stare at him wondering if she could get something out of him. "And didn't know if my father was in the house. . . borrowed one of his chains today."

"Darlin' if he and my father aren't in yours they are here." Elizabeth raised her eyebrows, opening the door wider so her fellow pirate could see his father gesturing him inside, which he followed, allowing her to close the door.

"Well what a duo. Ah, your father succeeded." Harry nodded over to the men before he looked over to the kitchen, seeing a half-eaten cake on the table and the lack of destroyed house interior.

"Yes he did, so proud of him." Elizabeth hummed in agreement letting her smile return for a second before gesturing the icy blue eyed pirate to follow her which he had done making their way to her room letting the two captains rest.

The two walked into her room with Elizabeth going straight to her bed getting back to organizing the items she had gotten while Harry closed the door behind him setting out everything he had brought.

𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐀 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 | 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐊Where stories live. Discover now