Start from the beginning

I honestly didn't expect him to do that, and I can't say my reaction was the best. I didn't know what to do, I don't think I've ever hugged anyone but Draco and maybe my friends a couple of times; I remember when I was little, like three or four years old, and how I spent weeks crying myself to sleep because Bellatrix and Rodolphus refused to hug me like the other parents would hug their children.

I stood there for a second before weirdly raising my arms to hug him back. Everything was really quiet, I didn't know what else to do or say, so I just focused on my breathing and heartbeat, trying to control them, while instinctively staying on alert for him. After a couple of seconds that felt like eternity, it felt so weird I spoke out.

"Uh... " How do I say it without being rude? Oh, well. "I appreciate it and all, but perhaps it's a little rushed..." He got the hint and slowly pulled apart, letting go of me. I let my arms fall at my sides.

"Yeah, maybe with time..."

"Yeah." We made eye contact again and I felt bad for having pulled away, it obviously meant so much for him, and for me too but I'm just not used to the whole father-daughter thing.

"Sorry, it's just been so long. I've been looking for you for so long." He gave me a small smile, and I tried to smile back but I think it looked a bit weird since I couldn't quite wipe off the awkwardness of the moment.

"It's okay, just uh... Give it a little time." I saw movement at the door of the lab, and when I turned to see what it was I saw Rogers leaning in the doorframe waiting for me. Stark turned too to see what I was looking at and he gave me a sad smile. "I probably should go, we have to get going."

"Yeah, sure. Take care, will ya?" He turned to Rogers. "You better look after her, Capsicle." His joking manner came back, and Rogers let out a chuckle.

"Yes, sir."


As we were arriving to the city, after what felt like an incredibly long ride on an small airship we borrowed, we could see we where already a bit late to the fight. The city was enormous, full of the tallest buildings everywhere you looked, at least in the main part of the city.

People were running, stopping in the middle of traffic to get out of their cars and run away from the streets and inside whatever buildings they could. At first I couldn't see what they were running away from, but then I looked at it. The Stark Tower stood there, tall and in all it's glory, a different and more stylish design then the rest of the buildings making it stand out from them, and from the top of the building came out a light.

A blue ray of light seemed to part the sky, making its way up from the top of the tower and into the sky, ending in some sort of portal that looked to be getting bigger, and coming out from the portal were these weird humanoid things, flying and making their way from the top of the sky to the streets of the city, going after the people.

"Stark, we're on your three, headed northeast." Said Romanoff.

"What? Did you stop for drive-through? Swing up Park. I'm gonna lay 'em out for you."

We took a turn, and I saw as Romanoff and Barton pushed multiple buttons, a sound from below the airship leaving me confused for a couple of seconds, until I heard the sound and saw the bullets hitting the aliens.

We continued making our way through the city going in between the multiple buildings, as we kept on shooting the Chitauri that came in our way. We made a couple of sharp turns that, in addition to the speed at which we were going, reminded me of the feeling you get when you're playing Quidditch, my mind completely going back to those moments from years ago. When I made the team and Bellatrix was so angry because she insisted it was very un-lady like, but she could no longer control me because the more I grew the more she'd grow to be scared of me.

Irya Aillie Stark - D. M. (Harry Potter x Marvel)Where stories live. Discover now