Horcruxes & Hogwarts-Snape is his what?

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Harry held his breath as Sirius stood up. He walked towards the trash and started throwing up.
"That's how I felt when I first heard about it too." Harry joked.
"Er what's a horcrux?" His dad asked slowly and Regulus answered.
"A way to stay alive after death." He said softly and Harry snorted.
"Yeah, a half life. You prepare a ritual and kill someone. That murder let's Magic tear half your soul out and places it into an object. That object is called a horcrux." He explained and James got up before joining Sirius by the garbage.
"That's why I know other Harry couldn't speak it. The horcrux activated the dormant ability." The Malfoy's were staring at him in shock.
"Harry, you do know there's only one way to get rid of a horcrux." He shifted uncontrollably.
"Yeah." Sirius was suddenly in front of him. He grabbed his face and brought him closer.
"What happened, pup." He whispered, his eyes full of sorrow.
"I died. There are three ways to get rid of a horcrux: basilisk venom, cursed fire or the killing curse. I'm immune to the venom. I reckon being burned alive sounded awful so there really was only one choice. Thank Merlin, the Dark Lord was so keen on killing me. I can't imagine what would have happened if he found out I had a sliver of his soul lodged in my forehead." He shivered.
"If you died, how'd you come back?" Mrs. Malfoy asked as she stared at him.
"Did you know the Potter's are descendants of the Peverell line?" He asked everyone and Snape answered.
"We didn't but I'm assuming you are?"
"Yes. Most people think the Peverell's delved into Dark magic but that wasn't true. They were masters of Death magic. They didn't beat Death at some silly game. They were handmaidens of Death. They devoted their lives to it. I simply used my family magic to make a deal." He murmured.
"What kind of deal?" Malfoy said slowly and Harry grinned at him.
"You cannot escape Death. It's an insult to even try. Voldemort had been spitting in Death's face since he was sixteen. I simply promised to bring him to the Void and Death would give me one chance to come back." He wasn't telling the whole truth. It would be better if they didn't know he was immune to the killing curse. It was a gift Death gave all of its handmaiden's.
"So you spent your seventh year hunting down horcruxes?" Mr. Malfoy questioned and Harry nodded his head.
"Yeah, I wouldn't recommend it. It was awful and then we got caught by snatchers." He scowled at the memory.
"Snatchers?" His dad asked.
"Oh they were basically magical bounty hunters. The Dark Lord had put a taboo on his name so every time someone said it, they would be alerted. Since we were technically fugitives, Mione almost blasted my face off before we were dragged to Malfoy Manor." Harry gave them a quick smile.
"It looked nothing like this! It was all dark and grimy. I mean the Dark Lord had been living there for three years." He added.
"What happened next?" Malfoy looked furious.
"Er we got thrown in the dungeons, Hermione got the M-word carved into her arm, we broke out of the dungeons and Bellatrix killed Dobby as we escaped." He hissed the last part. Dobby's death had broken his heart. The little elf had been a true friend.
"Harry, you are not going home. You may stay here or you may leave but your universe sounds awful." Mr. Malfoy said firmly and Harry felt his mouth fall open.
"What? The Dark Lord's been dead for ages!" The older man looked him up and down.
"Yet you still don't leave your house, correct? I'm assuming the public worships you for taking down such a monster." He continued.
"I bet they even gave you a nickname." Harry flushed as he thought of his conqueror status.
"See? I can read it in your face. We'll figure out a way to bring your two friends here." He said primly before a knock interrupted them.
"Mr. Harry?" Scorpius poked his head in with Atticus right behind him.
"Hello boys!" He greeted them warmly.
"Atty and I were talking. We were wondering if we could show you Hogwarts? I know you had it in your universe but we could show you ours!" The little boy said hesitantly. Harry hadn't been back to Hogwarts since the battle. It wasn't his Hogwarts anymore.
"I would love to see it! We can see if the secret passageways are the same. Did grandad give you his map?" He whispered loudly and Sirius laughed.
"Of course we did, pup! It's a Marauders tradition." The boys squealed before coming into the room.
"Why don't we go in the morning? I think it's past your bedtime." He didn't know what an appropriate bedtime was but it was already ten o'clock!
"Will you tell us a story?" Atticus asked softly and he ruffled his hair.
"Of course I will! Did I ever tell you about the time I blew up my muggle aunt like a balloon?" He followed the boys out of the room and tried not to think about Mr. Malfoy's offer. He couldn't stay here.

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