"Talk to the girl who found the body," Sam said.


A brunette woman led the hunters into her living room, a confused expression on her face, "I don't understand, I already gave my statement."

"Right, well we just need to verify a few things," Haven told the woman.

Madison sighed and pointed to the man on the couch, "This is my neighbor Glen, this is Detective-"

"Landis and my partners, Detective Dante and Daniels," Dean smiled.

Glen stood and was revealed to be wearing a bright yellow church shirt, "Well, guess I'll leave you to it."

He awkwardly approached the brunette before shuffling out of the apartment. "Thanks for the casserole," Madison told him.

Dean nodded after him, "How thoughtful."

"Call if you need anything," Glen said before leaving the group.

"He's sweet. He came over to check on me," Madison told the trio as the door shut. She gestured to the chairs surrounding the table, "Have a seat."

The trio sat down at the dinning room table, Haven finding herself in the middle of the boys and across from the woman.

Sam held sincerity in his voice, "You must be pretty shaken up." Madison nodded as Sam continued, "Your Nate Mulligan's assistant, right?"

"For two years, yeah," The woman confirmed.

"So you knew all about him?" Dean questioned.

"Probably knew more about him than he did," Madison joked. "Nate was- he was nice."

Haven sensed something deeper, "But?"

She flagged the witch off, "Nothing really, he had a few scotches and started hitting on anything in a five-mile radius. You know the type."

"Oh, believe me," Haven turned to Dean and noticed him starring at Madison with a smile. "I do very well."

Sam chuckled causing Dean to look over and notice Haven's look. Dean cowarded away from her before hesitantly looking at Madison once again, "Did uh, did he have any enemies?"

"What do you mean? It looked like an animal attack," She looked confused.

"Yeah, we're just covering all the bases," Dean lied. "Anyone that might've had a beef with him? A former client, an Ex-"

Sam noticed realization hit Madison, "What?"

She gave a shy smile, "Well this is embarrassing, but my ex-boyfriend Kurt-"

Dean interrupted, "Kurt have a last name?"

"Mueller, after we broke up he went kind of nuts," She explained. "Well, he's kind of been stalking me. He got it in his head that something was happening between Nate and I, he showed up at my office."

"What happened?" Sam asked.

"Kurt got into it with Nate, threw a punch before security grabbed him. I was lucky to keep my job," Madison confessed.

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