We love you Mike

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Steve- I just wanted to let you guys know that my boss doesn't want yous hanging around family videos anymore

Eleven- Why?

Jonathan- What did you guys do?

Richie- Fucked your mom ohhh

Dustin- His mom is fit so understandable

Robin- That is so true

Lucas- 😍😍

Will- Guys seriously

Ben- sup guys

Mike H- What up Ben

Mike W- Steve what if we want to rent a film?

Dustin- Yea we were going to hate a ghostbusters marathon

Will- This isn't fair I didn't do anything it was everyone else

Dustin- Your an accomplice

Bill- Why don't use just download ghostbusters on your laptop or something

Steve- Actually Will has a point, Will is the only one still aloud in

Lucas- What, why is Will everyone's favourite?

Steve- Because unlike you he'a nice

Stanley- Will just had that likeable personality

Mike W- And on top of all of that he's an amazing kisser

Steve- You didn't need to add that part

Lucas- Why are you home of the phobes?

Will- Home of the what now?

Ben- Who needs tv when you have this gc?

Richie- I need tv or porn ether will do

Eddie- Richie gross

Jonathan- Of course Richie is related to Mike,
they are both creeps

Mike H- True

Eleven- I watched porn and it was gross

Mike W-  Wait how am I a creep

Ben- You just are

Jonathan- Yep

Max- Mike slander I love it

Mike H- He gives us Mike's a bad name

Stanley- You're the good Mike

Eleven- What's wrong with Mike

Nancy- Yea I think you guys are going too far

Richie- There just joking

Jonathan- I'm not

Eleven- But what if it makes Mike sad

Eddie- He probably knows

Lucas- Yea

Steve- Have yous asked him how he feels with these type of jokes?

Eddie- Well I barely know him

Richie- No we kind of just assumed he was okay with them

Lucas- Look I know Mike and he can take it

Private messages between Mike W and Will

Will- Hey Mike are you okay

Mike W- I'm fine

Will- Mike you can tell me anything, I won't judge

Mike W- I feel as though everyone has a problem with me, what did I do to get them to treat me like this

Will- I'm sorry on behalf of what Jonathan has been saying

Mike W- It's not just Jonathan it's everyone except you, Eleven and Nancy

Will- Want me to say something

Mike W- Don't bother it won't change anything

Back to gc

Mike W- I'm fine Eleven and Nancy thank you for worrying about me ❤️

Bill- I just read through all the messages and yous were kinda mean

Steve- He said it was fine though

Dustin- I don't think he's telling the truth and I'm worried that the way you guys treat him is having a negative impact on him

Jonathan- What are you talking about

Bill- Do you have no regards to his mental state every chance you get you have a slight dig at Mike

Jonathan- But I don't mean it in a malicious way

Mike W- It doesn't seem like it

Will- you guys need to think about how Mike feels when a bunch of people just gang up on him like that

Eleven- Yea it makes me sad to see people hate on Mike because he is a really great guy

Beverly- I don't really know Mike but I feel bad for him

Steve- I never really thought of it that way

Stanley- I'm sorry

Richie- Yea I'm sorry as well cuz you know I love you

Mike H- I'm sorry for the comment I made I didn't know it would make you sad

Robin- I didn't say anything but I'm also sorry I should of said something to stop it

Nancy- Mike your my brother and I love you and I'm sorry for it really saying anything

Will- Mike I just wanted to say your really important to me, I've never loved anyone as much as I've loved you, I've been in love with you my whole life and I just wanted you to know I'm always here for you

Ben- I don't really know you but I'm sorry my guy

Max- Mike I know I insult you every changed I get but deep down I care about you I'm sorry for everything that I said

Mike W- Thankyouu it was just difficult to see all the negative things yous say about me but it's all good

Eleven- We love you Mike

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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