But then groaning and running back out to lock the doors. I really could be a ditz some times.

With my car secured I ran back inside and straight towards the lift. I hit the button and started impatiently tapping my foot.

“Didn’t you just run out of a here?”

I turn and saw a small little girl, maybe 10, standing there with a camera.

“Uh, yes?” I said in an odd voice. I was waiting for her to freak out and beg for an autograph. Love our fans, really do. Just I needed to get to Ali right now.

She nodded, “And now your back. And your eyes are puffy. You cried some more since you left?”

I nodded again at this little girl. She was a bit weird with her blonde hair pulled into a bun on her head and wearing pink leggings and an oversized purple sweater. She looked like a little version of a tumblr girl.

“Hmm, well I hope you day gets better. Because so far it seems to suck, Harry.”

My eyes got a bit bigger at my name. “So you do know who I am?”

I let out a small laugh flipping shut the small window thing on her camera. I’m guessing she was turning it off.

“Anybody who’s been alive and living on this planet since 2010 knows who you are. In case you didn’t know, you’re quite famous.”

I couldn’t help but release a small chuckle. This girl was something.

“I do know, thank you. Would you like an autograph or picture? I’m taking that’s what the camera is for?” I asked.

This time the small girl laughed, “Oh god no. That picture would look horrid since your eyes are all big and red. Maybe some other time. Plus you look busy. My camera is just for something I’m doing. Recording my last whole year as a kid. In a few months I’ll be thirteen. Ugh, hormones.”

I grinned and shook my head. This twelve year old girl really didn’t seem twelve. Not only in how she talks, but she looks younger. I thought my guess of being ten was right!

“Your lift is here.”

I raised an eyebrow at her.

“Your lift. You know the thing you were waiting for? Yeah, it’s here.”

My mouth formed a small ‘o’ and I turned and ran into it. I looked through the doors and found the girl walking away.

“Hey, what’s your name?” I shouted at her.

She turned to me and softly smiled.  “My name is Cameron. Cameron P.”

“Not from here are you?” I asked just as the doors started to shut.

“Nope. Dad is. Mom isn’t. Long story really. I’m from the states.”

I nodded and gave her a small grin just as the doors shut.


And like that the mood got intense again.

The lift started moving up and I kept getting closer and closer to Ali.

God, it was so weird…

She really was back.

I woke up yesterday expecting the days to be no different. And now look.


The doors dinged open and Lou’s flat was revealed in front of me. I gulped and walked out and right up to their door.

Turn Back Time - Sequel to SEPOYH [H.S]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora