1. I dont want to say goodbye

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Alyssa Perez:
2 years ago (1976)

  Me and mom were packing boxes for the move to New York, when we heard a pound on the door. We were both scared at first but then I came to realization of who it could be. I opened the door and I was right it was--- Robin Arellano. Well, not just him thank the lord he was with my two bestfriends Finney and Gwen and his other friend which I despise, AMY. He just knows I despise her I think that's the main reason he and her are friends, they both hate me for some reason. Finney and Gwen couldn't have brought Donna? And idk why but they just have to be Robins bestfriends too. But us two were not even friends. He's hated me ever since kindergarten. Me being the nice person that I am noticed the he needed an AWESOME  person like ME to hang out with but he just shut me out. Maybe I was just doing to much?

  Not even a second after I opened the door Gwenny came in and squeezed the soul out of my body. " Where's Donna?", I asked "She's sleeping over at her friends house.", Finney answered. Of course he knows  "What's with all they boxes?", Finney asked changing the topic  before we could have the chance to tease him about Donna. "I haven't told you guys?", I said my voice volume lowering. The smile on Gwen and Finneys face quickly faded as the smile on Amy's face grew. "I'm moving to NYC."

    "About time bro. It took 6 years for you too leave. God has answered my prayers. Gracias a dios.", he said looking up and blew a kiss to the sky with his hand. Finn hit Robin real hard elbow to elbow. Robin could tell Finn was real upset so he stopped. "Are you gonna come back?", Gwen asked. 

"I dont know."

"Where are you moving?", Robin asked

" Upstate, New York dingus. I already said that."

"But thats like a bajillion miles away from North Denver. You have to come back!", Gwen pleaded, she then looked at my face.  "Let us help you guys pack.", Finn insisted looking down. I opened the door for Finney and Gwen but, then closed it half way for Robin and Amy. "Are you guys gonna help or not?", I asked purposely with attitude. "Why else would you think we would want to come into a shitty house like this?", Amy replied. I then let Robin in but then then stopped again when it came to Amy. "This is your one and only warning. No shit talking in my house!", I warned Amy. But before Amy could reply, Madre HAD to but in "LANGUAGE." she said. Robin and Amy chuckled. Amy  gave me a sly look "Yea lyss , listen to your mom." Gwen gave Amy the side eye.

xoxo hate you to idiotaМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя