She takes out her phone and shows him various photos of him violating the woman he assaulted earlier.

"I have multiple more proof than these photos," she tells him.

The cop hesitated for a bit before turning his expression into a stern one.

"Look, young lady. I don't know who you think you are, but this is violating the law by violating me, a police officer," he said.

The girl puts her hand on her hip and pulls out her wallet. Then, she opens it and shows it to the cop. His eyes widened at the name.

On the side of the wallet was a photo of a little girl. At the said of the photo had a fancy handwriting that wrote:

My beloved daughter, Y/N Kishibe.

"Does this handwriting look familiar to you?" she asks.

"I-I um...Miss Y/N-This i-isn't what it looks l-like!" he says.

Y/N starts to swing her phone around as she looks at the girl on the ground and back to the cop.

"I don't know if I should just turn you in or tell my father and let him deal with it with all this evidence," she says.

The cop kneeled down and started begging.

"Please Miss Y/N! I can't lose my job! This is the life I have right now! I won't do any of these actions again as a savior of this town!" he begs.

She looks down as she took a sip of her drink and lifts his head with her foot.

"Fine. But, I'll leave you with a warning for now. If I see you violating these types of actions again, you'll be forgotten all over this island. Do you understand, Mr. police officer?" she warns him with a stern expression.

He quickly nods and ran back to his car. His partner looked confused, but the sound of his voice when he told him to get in the car knew that he was in trouble. The car drove off from the distance.

The girl on the floor watches them leave until the girl who rescued her helped her up.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" she asks her.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. This happens sometimes, but my little brother over there keeps saving me," she said pointing to the young boy in the car.

Y/N looked over and saw the gray hair boy sitting in the car staring at them. Then, she looks back at the woman.

"Well, I'm glad that you're alright, but please be more careful-..." she tells her before noticing something.

She was caught off-guard by something underneath the woman's bikini panties.

"U-Uh, are you a-...?" she stutters out as she pointed to the shape underneath.

The "woman" finally figures out what she was talking about it laughs.

"Yep, you got that right! I just wear these because they look good on me," he replies with a hearty smile while striking a pose.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for assuming you!" she said as she covers her mouth with her hand.

The man removes her hand from her lips and gives her another chuckle.

"Hey, hey, don't apologize. I actually blame you. People misunderstand me all the time, so don't worry about it. The name's Dragona Joestar and over is my little brother, Jodio Joestar," he tells her with a smile.

The sound of the car door opens and the same boy Dragona told her about comes out with a poker face expression.

"So, what are you going to do about that police officer who assaulted my brother?" the boy whose name is Jodio asks.

"Hey, hey, Jodio, it's okay! It's all taken care of! It's all in the past. It's all good-!" Dragona tries to reassure him until he was cut off.

"He's right. It's all taken care of."

They both turned to Y/N who was on her phone as she took another sip of her drink.

"I've already sent the evidence of that officer assaulting your brother to my dad. He's going to deal with him and probably he might be banished or whatever. As long he doesn't do these disgusting actions again on this island," she tells them.

Their expressions were amazed by this. Someone actually protected them.

"Sis, what's taking so long?! Is that lady okay?!" a voice echoes.

A younger version of Y/N walks toward them, carrying the stuff she was holding. She stares at her sister, Dragona, and his brother all together.

"So, about that lady," she begins to talk as she pointed at Dragona. "What happened to that officer? Is he finally-?"

She was cut off as she notices the weird shape beneath Dragona's bikini panties.

"Huh? Is that a-?" she says before she got cut off.

"Yep, hate to break it to you. But, I'm a man in fancy clothes named 'Dragona Joestar', little girl," he tells her as he pats her head.

 "Aah, okay then, mister," she says as she looks up at him.

"Well, we have to get going. Let's go, S/N. We don't want to lose our spots at the beach, don't we?" she tells her sister who nods in reply.

Y/N takes her stuff from her sister's arms and turns to the two Joestar brothers.

"Well, it was nice meeting you two. Hope we can see you around someday," she says with a small smile.

With that, she walks off while swinging the beach bag on her shoulder.

As for her younger sister, she watches her sister walk off and turns to the brothers. They all stared at each other for a split second before she blew a small raspberry blow at them.

"S/N!" Y/N calls out.

"Coming!" she shouts out in a cheery tone as she ran to her.

Jodio and Dragona stare at them as they finally disappeared in the distance.

"Man, I liked that Y/N girl over there, but I don't know about that other girl though," Dragona says.

He turns to their car's license plate.

"So, just to be safe, let's change the plates on the truck to different numbers," he tells his brother.

Meanwhile, Dragona tries to change the numbers on the plate, Jodio still kept staring into the distance where the two girls went to.

For some reason, something felt off about himself.

'Gee, I want her.'

𝓡𝓲𝓬𝓱 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵 ( Yandere Jojo Part 9 x Fem Reader )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя