To Understand

721 20 24

Requested by luna_the_wolf5

Word Count: 2513

This was requested within my other TabletGuardian Oneshot I wrote called Deathday you can find it in my other works. It's just a single oneshot and I didn't really want to edit and change the cover and everything to add more oneshots so instead I just made a whole new book. At the moment its just for this oneshot but if I get more inspiration or anyone else has requests then I'll add them to this book, hence the one-shot(s). That being said I do take requests and I am always excited to write things people want and like so feel free to ask away.  With all that aside I hope you enjoy this one-shot

   It had been a couple months now since both Larry and Ahkmenrah confessed their feelings to one another and since they started dating officially. The coupling hadn't came with any surprise from their friends within the museum as many had nearly or were quite certain that the two had deeper feelings for one another. So when it was revealed it was a mixture of "congratulations" and "about time."

    With the new formal pair dating, not too much had change ultimately.  Larry was still subtle with his affections as he was before when he was hinting at his feelings towards the pharaoh, and Ahkmenrah was about as obvious as ever, though it could be argued that he always was so obvious, trying to express his feelings towards the night guard even back before when Larry often overlooked his affections not noticing them. 

   Though now Larry was much more aware of the Pharaoh's flirts and affections, but ultimately those affections weren't reciprocated at least not in the manner of which Ahk would have preferred and he was having just about enough of it.

    Larry was in the main lobby of the museum as was common as the majority of the exhibits preferred the grand openness of it compared to their displays. Ahkmenrah had come down from his room to find his boyfriend talking with Jed, Octavius, and Dexter around Rexy's stand. The night was young and there was already trouble for Larry to help mend.

   "We've talked about this guys. What else are you to expect, it's not like he's a horse" stated Larry looking down at the three of them.

    "We don't need any more horses Gigantor, we need a battle ready mount" shouted out Jed

    "Why? what battle are you going into?" asked the night guard perplexed by the situation.

     "In case we need one of course. The last time we had a battle here we didn't have a battle ready mount and it would have come in handy." answered Jed strongly

    "Don't you have the car?"

   "Car just ain't the same" responded Jed taking his hat off in what appeared to be disappointment

    "He's right Larry, a car doesn't strike as much fear in the hearts of our enemies as a wild capuchin monkey does" added Octavius gently patting Jed's shoulder in a form of comfort. Larry simply looked down at the two then looked over at Dexter who had his signature monkey half smile that he often had.

    "Don't act like you're free from this conversation either" added Larry pointing at the monkey, who responded by sitting down and lowering his head a little. "You guy's couldn't work this out on your own?" the night guard asked placing a hand on his hip and the other rubbing the bridge of his nose.

   "We did try, but he wasn't cooperating" explained Jed pointing at the capuchin to which Dexter responded with a high pitched chirp of what appeared to be deviance.

    "Well you can't just saddle up your friends and ride them into battle, specifically if there is no battle to ride into and also if they said no in the first place."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09 ⏰

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Larry x Ahkmenrah One-Shot(s) [TabletGuardians]Where stories live. Discover now