chapter 2

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Tw: drugs, Smut

I woke up in a now familar bed 

Rafe: good morning

I looked next to me and Rafe was looking down at me

Y/n: what am I doing here?

Rafe: I brought you here. I found you on the beach. Topper asked me to bring you here

Y/n: and you couldn't bring me to the guest room?

Rafe: oh I'm sorry, maybe I should've just left you on the beach. What even happend?

Y/n: I had a panic attack, It happens all the time. They are getting worser and worser by the day that I just black out. But uhm got a  hoodie I can borrow?

Rafe: uh yeah sure, here

He grabs a hoodie from his closet and gives it to me

Y/n: thanks

Rafe: need anything else?

I walk closer to him and whisper something in his ear. He opens a drawer with underwear and gives me some drugs

y/n: thanks, I owe you

I walk out of his room and go outside and go on the boat where Sarah was trying to sleep

Y/n: hey Sar

Sarah: Y/n, where were you?

Y/n: uhm I went home last night

Sarah: thank god for the airconditioning on the boat

Y/n: yeah, I'll be in a random room here

Sarah: okay, I am going to try to sleep

Y/n: okay

I walked to a room and started doing drugs


Sarah: Oh, so you left her in the boat?

girl: mm-hm

Sarah: okay, can you tell me what she looks like?

girl: she has a trunk and blue ears

Sarah: okay, I'm gonna get her for you

girl: be careful of electricity

Sarah: don't worry. I'll be okay

Y/n: it's dangerous, stay.

woman: hey, there's 14,000 volts in those wires

Topper: her, Sarah, be careful!

Rose: oh, you gotta be kidding me. Sarah, get down now!

Sarah: Rose, calm down. I'm an athlete. I got this.

Rose: you're gonna get electrocuted! Get down! You kidding me? Get-- oh my... No.

Topper: Sarah, That's not funny

Rose: when I tell your dad about this, Sarah...

I look at Rafe who is looking at me

Sarah: I see her

Y/n: you want to know something?

girl: yeah

Y/n: the wires are disconnected. So when Sarah fakes being electrocuted you need to look at those boys their faces, it will be funny. Okay?

girl: yeah

Rose: Sarah! When I tell your dad-

Sarah screams

Guilty - Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now