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After Donghyuck paid for the food, the two of them finally left the restaurant full and contented. Renjun's stomach got bloated but he's happy about it because he got to eat healthy and delicious food.

"So, where do you want to go next?" Donghyuck asks as they are about to cross the road.

"Let's go to an arcade!" Renjun responds, "I haven't been able to go there in a while." he grins. "Well, if you like, of course."

Donghyuck nods, "Of course! Let's go to an arcade. Do you want to take a taxi or walk again?"

Renjun pouts, "Let's take a taxi. I'm too full to walk."

"Right. Me, too." Donghyuck laughs.

They walk over to the other side of the road to wait for a taxi. When they get there, Renjun pulls out his phone and clicks on the camera.


Donghyuck widen his eyes and turns to Renjun. "Y-you called me Haechan... I like the way you say it."

Renjun giggles. "I'm taking a photo of you. For my wallpaper."

Donghyuck beams with pleasure, posing with a peace sign. Renjun presses the capture button and it creates a clicking sound. Donghyuck shifts to another pose and Renjun clicks the button again. He keeps on capturing photos as Donghyuck changes his poses every five seconds.

"Do I look good?" Donghyuck asks, peaking at the older's phone.

"Yes," Renjun replies. "I like this one the most." He shows a picture of Donghyuck grinning widely, his hands on top of his head forming bear ears. "You look like a bear—a bear with four moles on his cheek." He fondly smiles at Donghyuck.

Donghyuck feels flustered about Renjun noticing his moles on his cheek. He thinks they're his unique part of his appearance, and he's glad the moles are being acknowledged.

"I like you so much."

"Oh, Haechan-ah!" Renjun laughs sweetly. "I'm changing my wallpaper now." Donghyuck happily shakes his head up and down. Renjun quickly changes his wallpaper to that photo then happily shows it to Donghyuck. "Here!"

"You have the best wallpaper ever."

"You bet I have." Renjun winks and Donghyuck laughs, poking the older's nose.


They both turn their heads to the owner's voice and they see a taxi stopped in front of them.

"Yes, please." Donghyuck walk to the back seat door. He opens it and gestures Renjun to get in first to which he complies. Afterwards, Donghyuck follows inside and sits comfortably next to the older.

"Where do you go?" asks the driver.

"To the [x] mall," Donghyuck replies.


Renjun excitedly skips as they enter the mall. Donghyuck could only laugh lovingly at his date's cuteness. He walks behind him as he lets the older lead the way.

"Careful not to bump into people." Donghyuck tells him as if Renjun is a kid.

"Okay!" Renjun exclaims, giggling. "Hurry up, Haechannie!"

Donghyuck catches up and walks by Renjun's side and pulls his waist closer to him. The latter blushes by the gesture and looks up at him, flashing a fond smile. "Do you like it when I call you Haechannie?"

Donghyuck licks his lips and nods. "I like it, so much."

"Haechannie." Renjun giggles. "Cute."

𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗔𝗡𝗗 𝗖𝗢𝗙𝗙𝗘𝗘 ❣ 𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘩𝘺𝘶𝘤𝘬.Where stories live. Discover now