Chapter 1: a messy meeting

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The day begins like any other with th-BLEEP!!!BLEEP!!!BLEEP-SMASH!!

mmph! Y/N groans as he slowly Scots off the bed,yawns,and stretching, then he groggly says:

Y/N:This is why I hate Mondays...well, it's time for me to get ready and go do the same repetive thing constantly...

As he waddles toward the cabinet and he takes out his trunks,undershirt,and shorts.As he opens his rooms door and walks down the hallway and walks into the bathroom and looks the door and begins to ta-

(Author: ya'll know I ain't gonna describe this so... TIME SKIP-)

(This time skip is brought to you by my wacky hairline;-;)

As you walk out of the bathroom soaked(AYOO!!)..with a towel covering your lower area...pervs...

Y/N's mind:Well, that was oddly refreshing wait...why didn,t I put on my clothes..y'know what I'll put them on when get inside my room.

You say this as you walk to your room and walk inside,close the door,and put on your clothes and uniform on.

Y/N:Hmm.. wellI'd better check the time just to be sure.

As you pick up your phone and see that... you have 12 minutes to get to school..

Y/N's face:(○□○)

Y/N's mind: OH SHIIII-

You immediately hurl yourself off your bed and sprint, kicking your rooms door open as you run down the hallway and into the living room as you grab your backpack,sweater,and jacket while trying to hurriedly put them on as M/N(Mother Name) walks in and says:

M/N: Hey Y/N, I made breakfa-you cut her off and say:


As you snatch a piece of bacon from the plate and run straight to the front door and quickly open and slam it closed.Leaving M/N dumbfounded as she sighs and says.

M/N:Boys these days...well more for me...

As it zooms back to you sprinting down the street towards your F/N(Favorite Name) high school.

Y/N's mind:OH God, I hope I can make it there on time...who am I kidding I wo-HUH!!!

You snap out of your train of thought as you see a small girl walk out in from the corner as you yell in a panicked voice.



As you collide with her, it causes you both to fall to the ground in quite a messy fashion.

Y/N:(groan) That hurt-Huh!

As you soon realize that you were ontop of the person that you crashed into as they looked right at you with a highly red,agitated and angry face,As you were somewhat confused as you felt something squishy and soft in the palm of your palm of your hand,As your eyes lower down to were this sensation was coming from.Then you soon found the reason why she was so flushed red it was due to you...having a hand on her left breast.As you realized your face turned bright red from embarrassement as you leap back from your position and onto your butt.

Y/N: I am so sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I swear it just happened so quickly, and-

As she gets up and cuts you off...

???:Pevert... she says in a silent tone


???:Pevert pevert pevert!!! She yells in a harsh tone

As she stomps towards you as you try to scramble away, but it was to late as she yanks you by the collar and toward her and stares you down with utter hatred and rage in her eyes as you feel a shiver down as you avert her gaze the best you can as you say.

Y/N:Please have mer-

SLAP!!! as the sound rings out in the air as she finally lets you go as your face stings from the impact, leaving a red handprint on the side of your face as you sit their absolutely scared.As the mysterious girl turns around and begins to walk off as snap out of your trance and say:

Y/N:Wait! You say loudly as she stops and turns her head to your direction, waiting for what you have to say next.

Y/N:I think this is all but a misunderstanding and I just want so say sorry for touching your b-b-b-b-bo-

Your cut off by her saying

???:mph! As she turns back around and speed walks away from you as you say:

Y/N:wait you say loudly as you ran after her.

End of chapter 1...

A/N(Author Name):Well, guys, I hope that you like the first installment of this book. :)

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