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It was so unexpected, but seeing as the previous room in the Sky Emporium had water, they shouldn't have been so surprised.

They were on a platform made of sandstone, surrounded by water that was only mere inches away from reaching them.

"Ookay.. This is.. Whoa, okay."
The only thing in front of them was a small parkour segment which they got through easily, and eventually, they got up to a much higher point than they were before.
Looking out into the water, they gave it a puzzled look.

"Weird.. If I started out down there, why do I have to go here?"
As if on cue, the high tide came in and engulfed all the platforms below in water.
Tailor turned pale as they looked out to the water, that they could've been swallowed by the sea if they hadn't been fast enough.

"No going back there then.. Alright.."
Turning around, there was more area compared to where they were previously.
However, there was no sign of the next Point they were supposed to meet.

Unless the tide was a sign..
They turned back again to see no one, and shrugged their suspicions off and started to march off, looking for Threads.

It took them longer than usual to find the pieces of twine, mostly because some areas had to be accessed in very specific ways, leading them to rack their brain a little more to understand.
Nonetheless, through very questionable places and tiring obstacle courses, they had acquired all the threads.

Looking at their arms again, they sighed. No loose threads appeared to be there, unless they weren't looking hard enough.
"I'll check around this place one more time," they said, unaware of the platform that was rising behind them. "Then, maybe I'll find the Point of this place."

Off they went, looking for more threads possibly laying around, lily pads and lotus flowers sprouting near the waters they passed by.
Turning a corner, their eyes brightened at the sight of a loose thread.

As they rushed to get it, the platform the thread was on suddenly shot upwards, shoving the Tailor back quite a bit, causing them to land on the rough stone beneath them, almost falling into the water.

"What was that about?"
Groaning, they sat up and slowly brought themselves to stand.
Crossing their arms, they huffed. How could the thread have just run off like that? It didn't make much sense to them.

They ignored it, searching for another loose thread, typically the one they'd always find last.

The amount of lily pads and lotuses increased, practically taking up almost all the space of the water spread out around the world.
Eventually, they came across a loose thread lying innocently on the ground, which they approached way too carefully for their own tastes, thinking it would be taken away from them like the one they sought earlier.

In one quick motion, they snagged the thread and held onto it tightly, afraid it would float away or they would get launched into the air. But there was nothing.

They braced themselves for the impact, too. Closing their eyes and protecting their face.
After a few seconds, they let their guard down, but remained cautious.
There could be something out to get them and they would've never known.

While still unsure of what could be out there, they counted the amount of threads on their arms, including the one they held in their hands.
It was all complete, except for the one they failed to get due to the pillar rising out of the blue.

Taking a deep breath, only now did they notice the abundance of plants surrounding them, growing from the ground below to which they suspected, which it did, for a while.
"What in the..?"

Adventure Forward : Feel-good FantasiesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz