Chapter 11: m.r damocles

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(time skip to the next day at school)

♡Marinette♡(point of view)♡

M) Hello m.r. Damocles, how's your day?

M.r. d) it is going good so far. How is your child?

M) She's doing good but uasgi is my sister not child m.r. Damocles

M.r. d) Oh but lila told me.... you know what never mind what did you come her to talk about

m) well i was hoping to get the last of my stuff from my locker and say a proper goodbye to my fellow classmates(smiles)

M.r. D) yes well i believe we can do that right now if you'd like i can watch over usagi when you grab everything

M) that would be very helpful thank you M.r. Damocles

M.r. d) yes well it is the least i can do i'll be sad to see you go and i'm sure your classmates will miss you too when you leave

m) I'm sure you're right m.r. Damocles and i am sad to go as well but me and my aunt want to give usagi the best future posibles and she believes it will be good for me too

(M.r. d) yes well off you go make sure everything is in order

(m) yes for sure

Time skip brought to you by turtle ducks

♡Marinette♡(point of view)♡

Ok that's everything except the the stuff in the art room i said to myself

I got those for you?? I turned around to see felix there, oh thank you i said and grabbed the books from him

♡Felix♡(point of view)♡

What no good bye I yelled as she turned away from me walking to the door mari stopped just before her hand on the door mob i heard a little hiccup in her voice god her beautiful voice, if i say goodbye then that means it's real. What would be real? I asked this, she said pointing at both of us as rini started sobbing, dropping her books in the process and ran to me crying into my shirt soiling it but I didn't mind I was going to miss her. My mother decided to no longer go to new york so i can't be there for her .......................

I love you she opened her mouth but what came out was not what i wanted to here

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