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"whoa pretty lady. you alright?"

the one you bumped into questioned.

he was tall and had slicked back hair with a cigarette in his mouth.

"yeah." you were struggling to catch your breath. you didn't know if these men were with sanzu or the guys trying to kill sanzu. either way, they weren't good news.

the man in the middle was shorter with black hair and dark bags under his eyes.

he looked around the room seemingly bored.

"why were you coming out of the VIP room?" the third one questioned. he had two different colored eyes and a thick scar running across the lighter one.

"um" you tried to quickly think of a lie.

"i was having sex with the guy in there. i don't know what's going on." you settled on telling the half truth. hopefully these people would feel bad and send you on your way.

"what do you think boss."

"bring her with us, she could be with the traitors." he yawned as one of the guys grabbed your arm. you tried to push him off of you but it was futile.

you got dragged along down the hall toward the room you had just ran out of.

you were pushed into the room first. sanzu looked up and smiled at you. he was covered in blood.. but still somehow looked attractive.

his gaze shifted behind you, to the men that dragged you in.

"boss." he nodded in acknowledgment to the short man.

"what happened here?"

"there was a snitch working here. one of the girls that brought drinks to the VIP room. she worked for caesar and was feeding him information. they tried to take me down when i was here alone but clearly failed."  sanzu shrugged.

"is this the girl." you felt something hard get pushed against the side of your head. as you heard a 'click' you realized it was a gun.

"no, that's y/n. she's the one i was telling you about."

"hm" was all you heard from the man behind you before the gun was lowered and you were pushed forward.

you stumbled a bit, regaining your balance. sanzu threw his arm around your shoulder.

"well, what are we going to do with her now that she's seen everything? she's a witness." the man with slicked back hair questioned before taking a puff from his cigarette.

"shut the hell up old man. she's with me." sanzu's grip on your shoulder tightened.

"what's so good about her that you'd risk everything we've built? she seems pretty average to me."

ouch. that one kind of hurt your feelings.

"you guys want me to get sober right? i keep having to hear you all bitch and moan about how i'm not at my best when i'm high. well when i'm with her i don't need to do drugs."

you looked up at sanzu surprised.

the cigarette guy laughed. "you're joking right?"

"nope. i explained this all to mikey and he said she was valuable."

the two other guys turned to mikey for confirmation.

"if she's really helping sanzu be on top of his game like he has been lately then she is very valuable to us. she'll be kept around as long as she keeps her mouth shut."

you felt sanzu kiss your cheek and you heard the men in the room continue talking but you began zoning out.

you were coming down from your adrenaline rush and your  brain was racing a mile a minute trying to figure out what was going on.

these men clearly didn't just own businesses. 


they were yakuza.


and you were now involved with them.

sanzu shook your shoulder a bit, causing you to look up at him.

"y/n are you okay?"

"yeah. im fine." you weren't fine but you weren't going to tell him that. the last thing you were going to do is show these men that you feared them.

"alright, i called some people to come clean this up. we have some other things to deal with and then we'll meet you back at HQ." the guy with a scar on his eye said.

the men turned and left the room.

"i'm glad all this is finally over. let's get out of here." he sighed, grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the door.

you had a million questions and couldn't figure out what to ask first.

"where are we going?" you asked as he opened the car door for you.

"back to my place."

once you were both in the car and he started driving you began spewing out questions.

"so you're in a gang?" it was more of a statement than a question but you wanted clarification.

"i'm bonten's number 2."

your eyes widened at that. you'd heard of bonten before, pretty much everyone had.

"and the only reason you're keeping me around is because you don't need to do drugs when you're with me?"

"yeah, pretty much."


"because when i'm having sex with you i feel a way i've never felt before and after i'm done fucking you, i feel relaxed and calm."

"oh" was all you said.

this was dangerous. he was dangerous. every alarm in your head was going off, telling you to get as far away from him as possible and never look back but for some reason you couldn't even bring yourself to try.

you enjoyed his company and you definitely enjoyed the sex.

yolo i guess.

sex, drugs, etc. (sanzu x reader)Where stories live. Discover now