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'from the very beginning, it was always kooks and pogues. some people with everything. and some with nothing. that's the way it's always been. and that's how they wanna keep it. some people make the best of it, and some people fight against it. the merchant gold was apart of that. for my father, sister, and me, the treasure was our way out. how we evened the scales. how the pogues win. but at some point, you kinda have to wonder... was the treasure an escape? or was it a trap?'


'that's a lovely flag j.' ivy smiled, standing over jj as he drew on the piece of fabric they had found.

jj looked up at ivy, 'you think so? i might give him bigger boobs.'

ivy smiled, unfolding her arms as she bent down closer to jj, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

now satisfied with his flag, jj stood up, him and ivy bundling up opposite ends of the flag, walking it over to the tree.

'you got it?' ivy asked, slowly letting go of her end as jj made his way up the tree. 'we don't really have much medical supplies here other than leaves and coconuts.'

'yea yea, i'll be fine v, i've done more dangerous shit back in obx.' jj smiled.

ivy stood back with kiara, smiling as jj finished tying the flag onto the tree.

'whoo!' the two screamed.

'you did it jj! poguelandia!' kie screamed.

'that's my boy!' ivy smiled.

kiara then walked back to their makeshift home on the island, leaving ivy and jj alone.

the two both stared out at the setting sun, jj from his spot high in the tree, and ivy from her spot in the sand.

jj climbed down a few moments later, sliding into the sand beside ivy.

'when we go home, i'm burning these clothes. with my luck my grandkids will still be finding sand in them.' ivy smiled.

'but what if we don't go home? what if we make this our new home. poguelandia, with its rightful queen ivory and loyal king...'

'jimmy john.' ivy laughed.

jj tried to fake being angry, 'oh that's how it's gonna be? i give you a beautiful name and you give me the name of a sub shop.'

jj pushed ivy over, the two laughing uncontrollably as they both lay in the sand.

jj extended his hand to ivy, pulling her up as their breathing finally became steady.

'but i mean it, what if we don't go home v?' jj asked again.

'but what about a family, we never really talked much about it, but i think we'd be great parents once we settled down.' ivy said softly. 'we can go out, live the life of our dreams, then choose somewhere to wind down, have some kids, show them the life we should've had.'

jj looked down to where his hand and ivy's were intertwined together, her thumb rubbing the back of his hand like always. 'with our luck, the kids would get my looks, your attitude, and a mix of our humor. that's like a tiny disaster waiting to happen.'

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