~|Ch. 14|~

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"Run, run!"

The sounds of hooves and armored shoes clopped in the blood stained snow of Mt. Shiroi Tamashī.

"What about Commander Chōnan!?" "He's already been slaughtered by that yellow oni! Just get out of here before the other one arrives as well!"

Blood got licked off the fingers tips of the aforementioned 'yellow oni', something as simple as a glare got the rest of the soldiers on their feet, some, even crawling away.

"Their blood... It's not rich in taste. Their despair was too deep." The yellow oni said, his deep voice echoing on the now empty mountain.

The only thing that was there now, was himself, and the limp bodies of the men he slaughtered.

Or so he thought,

"Have you 'only' just finished clearing this area?" A woman's voice rang out to him..

"Izanami?" The Oni said, looking behind and above him, to see a yellow oni who looked much like him standing there.

The Oni now known as Izanami smiled, "Yes brother? I take it the blood of these mortals was no better?" She asked.

The male Oni only nodded in response, "Let us leave, this place is nothing but a mountain of bodies now. By the time those other mortals get down the peak of Shiroi, they'll be frozen." He stated.

Izanami jumped down, making a big thud as her and the male were much larger in height then any mere mortals were.

"Let us go then, Izanagi."

Eyes blinked open, "Ah, it was just a dream." The male yellow oni know as Izanagi said as he sat up from the bench he had been sleeping on.

" The male yellow oni know as Izanagi said as he sat up from the bench he had been sleeping on

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'Too many people... And yet the master says we cannot touch a single one of them in this town, what a nuisance." He muttered to himself in anger.

'The only way I can survive is by getting fed by other means, this place is annoying.' Izanagi thought to himself as he stood up.

He did not care about the blood splatters on his armor which was stained on, nor did he care about how some of his snow hair was stained in places with crimson.

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