"I know, I know. Believe me, after talking to her today, I feel bad enough. She's been spending a lot of time with Marco, though, so I didn't realize how much she missed me and how much she needed to talk about all your crap."  At least Lee sounds like he feels guilty. 

"I have questions about this Marco guy but they can wait. Do you know what Elle has going on this weekend?" This conversation wasn't making me feel any better.  So I decided I better cut to the chase before Lee pissed me off anymore. Not that I can really blame him, this is all my fault.

"I promised her that we would hang out on Saturday. When I realized how much I have been letting her down lately, I made plans with her."

"Good, I'm glad she's around this weekend. Listen, Lee, you have to swear to me that you can keep what I'm going to tell you next a secret."

"Of course, bro, you know me. I can keep a secret."

"I do know you and that's why I'm making you swear you will. And if you don't, you aren't going to want to face me this Thursday night when I come home to surprise Shelly."

"What! You're coming back to LA?"

"I'm sure you know that things have gotten bad between the two of us and I can't rely on making things better with the little time we get to text or call. I need to fix this and I need to talk to her in person to do this. But, I don't want to tell her that beforehand."

"That's why you said you couldn't talk until Thursday."

"Yeah, I feel bad putting it off, but I know she's going to want to get into everything and I don't want to do that over the phone."

"So, what's the plan?"

I could hardly believe that Lee was willing to help me this and that he actually seemed like a regular guy while we talked, instead of the goof he usually was with me.  I'm imagine most of his willingness to help was because of how much he cared about Elle and not because of his love for me but I wasn't going to complain.  Lee and I had definitely our longest phone conversation ever and probably one of our longest conversations anytime that night talking through my plan for fixing my relationship with Elle. I was surprised when Lee told me a lot about the talk he had with Elle this afternoon. That was a big deal because usually Lee wants to use the best friend code as the reason he can't tell me anything that Elle talks to him about. I got a little more info on this Marco dude, although what I heard from Lee didn't have me feeling any better. What I did feel better about was that Lee really seemed to be willing to help me fix things with Elle. I had been worried that he would be upset with me for screwing up and wouldn't want Elle with me anymore.

With my plan for the upcoming weekend in play, all that was left was for me to work my ass off, with Chole's help, of course, to make sure all of my classes and studying were in good shape before I left. That was no small feat, since I was already working extremely hard to meet my regular deadlines. But, Chloe helped me work on a schedule for keeping on top of everything, including making me promise that I would work on my history paper on the plane ride on the way there. I was taking a red eye on the way back, so hopefully I would be able to sleep because I would be heading straight from the airport to football practice. Since I had already begged my coach to let me take Friday morning off practice, I was going to have to rush from the airport to the football field in order to make it for practice Monday morning. But I already knew it was going to be worth it. As much as I was worried about how my talk with Elle would go, I was equally excited to be able to see her in person again.


This has been the longest week ever. After finally telling Lee everything and taking the step to tell Noah we had to talk, the wait between Sunday and when Noah could finally make time for our call on Thursday night has been so long. At first I was pretty bummed that Noah couldn't fit in a call with his girlfriend for four days but I've been feeling a little better, since Noah has been texting me everyday, something he hasn't done since those first few weeks he was at Harvard. I'm hoping he realizes how bad things have become and is wanting to fix them with me.

I felt really good after I told Lee everything that has been going on between me and Noah. But, ever since I last talked to him Sunday evening, Lee has been acting strange. Even for Lee, and that's saying something. I would say he's trying to avoid me but he is still always around me. I'm sure that stems from me complaining to him that he's been ditching me lately. But now, when we're together, there are always people around us. It's like he's scared to talk to me or something. I don't know what it is but I know I don't have the energy to worry about it this week. I can only handle my relationship issues with one of the Flynn brothers this week.

Lee did make me promise that I would come over to his house Thursday night after supper to help him with something for school. He was really vague about what he actually needed help with, though, which has me even more confused. It seemed really important to him, though, so I told him I would be there. Although, I reminded him several times that I would have to leave in time for my call with Noah that night. After waiting most of the week to talk to him, there was no way I was going to miss it.

Thursday night is finally here and I'm walking over to the Flynns. I'm a little peeved that Lee said he couldn't pick me up.  My car is in the shop, so that leaves me to walk the few blocks to Lee's. I wasn't sure what the problem with my car was, although I'm sure Noah would have known if he was around. Lee made me promise I would be at his house by seven. That meant I only had an hour to help him with this project before I had to be home for my call with Noah. I let myself into the Flynn's and called out for Lee when I walked in. Usually June and Matthew were around this time in the evening during the week, so I was surprised the place looked like no one was home. I got out my phone and sent Lee a text, "Dude, it's 7 and I'm here, where are you?"

Lee's return text came a few seconds later, "Sorry, traffic. Be there in 5."

Shaking my head in annoyance, I made my way back to the game room thinking I might was well make myself comfortable. Lee had no sense of time. If he said five minutes, it could be twenty. I beat a few levels of our current favorite game when I finally heard Lee's car pull into the driveway. I walked out towards the front door and when I heard him open the door, I yelled, "What the hell, Lee? You're late!" But, it wasn't Lee who came through the front door.

Instead, Noah Flynn was standing in front of me, looking gorgeous as ever, with a smile on his face I've been waiting months to see. He smirked as he said, "Hey, Shelly." He closed the distance between us before I even fully understood that it was really him I was seeing.

"Noah?" I asked in confusion.  But then I didn't have to think anymore because Noah had pulled me into his arms and his lips were on mine and all of my worries about him were forgotten.

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