10- Dabi's Dance II

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The events happening before me felt surreal, like a dream. No, a nightmare. I didn't want to fight Touya, but i did have to stop him from killing his own family. Me and Shoto looked around us, fire blazing out his left fist and icy shards spreading out of mine. Suddenly, Touya lashed out at Shoto, leaping into him, blue flames attacking his brother with no mercy.
"You do realise you were only born to replace me right?? He doesn't give a fuck about you." Touya smirked, muttering his words out breathlessly, whilst wrestling Shoto. Tears were rolling down Shoto's face, as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"What happened to you??" Shoto spat, groaning in pain.
"Vengeance, my brother."
I jumped in, shooting ice at the surrounding fire, that was getting way out of control. Shoto did the same, harshly shoving Touya backwards into the ice.
"Touya.. what are you doing?" I whispered. I know he was a troubled kid, and he showed signs of it from an early age. But what he was doing was downright evil. He looked up at me, the insanity slowly fading from his aqua eyes.
"You need to understand y/n. I'm sorry it had to come out this way, I truly am. I missed you."
"Touya you.. youre alive.." Endeavour muttered, facing Touya with pain in his eyes, as if it was hard for him to look at his own son. Touya brought his attention back to his father, once again fuelling himself with rage. He leapt up, and suddenly sent a huge blue blaze to his father and Shoto's way.

I couldn't let Shoto die like this. It was as if my body just moved on its own. I jumped in front of them. A blue light swarmed me, shouting filling my ears, as it all went black.


My eyes slowly fluttered open, a blurry, blank ceiling filling my vision. My body felt numb and sore, bandages wrapped tightly around it. I shot up in the uncomfortable bed I was laying in, and i immediately groaned in agony. Every single part of me was hurting- and moving didn't help. Regardless, I propped myself up gently as best as I could, and took a moment to adjust to my surroundings. I appeared to be in a hospital room, however it looked too similar to the doctors office in the LOV headquarters. The walls were plain and white and there was very minimal furniture- besides the bed and a chair messily placed. Random tubes were connected to my body, causing a sense of panic to rush through me. What is all of this?? What happened?

Suddenly, the sounds of furious shouting jolted me, making my heart pound.
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN THE FIRE STRUCK THEIR HEART??" The anger and pain in Touya's distinctive voice ran through my ears, and i just wanted to yell out and tell him to come in. Sure, he had just tried to kill his family members and revealed that he is actually a famous maniac, but he's still Touya. I just wanted to hug the boy. I tried to speak, but all that came out my mouth was a whisper. Dread crept up in the pit of my stomach, as I clamped a hand to my throat. Why couldn't i speak?? The beeps of the heart rate monitor sped up rapidly- I struggled to get out of the bed. I needed to get out, but i was attached to too many wires. The pressure on my chest was immense whilst I tried my best to desperately pull the medical equipment off of me. Suddenly, i felt a sharp tug on my heart, causing me to grab my chest and screw my face in agony. It wa so fucking painful, like nothing i had experienced before- and i had experienced my fair share of injuries throughout my hero career. It felt like my heart was on fire- the heat coursing through my sensitive, icy veins, as if it was burning the life out of me.

''WHY CAN'T YOU LET ME IN THERE??" Touya lashed out again, his voice muffled behind the door. His anger was followed by a medical member of the LOV, who was desperately trying to ease him and explain to him. Touya began tugging at the door handle forcefully, causing the door to thrust open suddenly. The doctor appeared to have given up with a sigh, finally allowing Touya to make his way in. He immediately laid his eyes on me, slamming the door shut in the doctor's face. He slowly examined me, coming closer to my bed. He quickly wiped a emerging tear of blood from his eye, taking my hand in his.
"Oh, y/n.." He muttered to himself. It must've broke his heart seeing me like this. "I'm so sorry."
I squeezed his hand and managed to smile, through the torturous burning sensation in my chest. It suddenly hit me, and I was filled with worry all over again. Is Shoto okay?? What happened after I got hit?

I just managed to whisper out the words, "What happened after?" It was still a struggle, but he could hear what I was trying to say.
He sighed, and began to explain. "After my quirk hit you yesterday, i blamed my dad for what happened to you since he was the one i was trying to hit. I'll admit i did fuck him up a little, and he's in hospital too. Shoto's fine, but he was seriously worried about you. I took you here, and it turned out i hurt you more than i figured." He looked at the floor, breaking eye contact.
My eyes widened. Yesterday? And what does he mean he hurt me more than he figured??
"What is this?" I whispered, clamping a hand on my chest, that was covered in bandages.
He squeezed my hand again. "My fire struck you directly in the heart. I almost killed you y/n." I gasped, realising that was what the burning sensation was. "And y/n I'm sorry that your identity was revealed. It had to be done." I almost forgot that even happened.
"I don't care anymore Touya. I finally found you." I gathered all the strength I could, pulling him into an embrace. He immediately wrapped his arms around me, as i buried my face in is neck. That familiar hug, that me and Touya shared so many years ago. In that moment, I didn't care about anything else anymore. I didn't care that my identity was revealed, or that his dad was in hospital. He deserved it for all the pain he put his family through in the past. All I cared about was that I found Touya- he was really alive. It almost didn't even feel real. And what felt the most surreal is that i didnt even realise the man i loved was him all along.

I planted a sweet kiss on his lips. I am in love with Touya.

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