Im no wimp give me your worst

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When they are speaking to eachother this is the key:
H- holly
All just for funzies
Give me suggestions for diffrent ones. I am not very good at this sort of stuff Ik just bare with
Please let me know if there are any mistakes <3

Lucy's pov
Im in the kitchen cleaning up whilst making a cup of tea when I hear holly and George making a hell of a commotion

H:guys I think we should all play a game.

G:hmm is there biscuits involved?

H: if that will make you play then yes. LOCKWOOD LUCY COME HERE.

L: I'm coming calm down, what's wrong

A: yes holly what's all this fuss about

H: we are all going to play a game of truth and dare.

You all gather into the main sitting area lucy and Lockwood on one sofa holly and George on the other.

A: alright then who's going first

L: since you wanted to play holly I believe you should.

H: fine I chose truth.

G: I have one, holly what is you thoughs on biscuits.

L: George that's a waste of a truth

A: actually Luce I haven't seen her eat a single biscuit id like to hear why she hasn't touched them.

H: I love biscuits I just don't really eat them around you guys because... well I don't know your just never around when I eat one.

L: see a waste.

H: alright smarty pants truth or dare lucy.

L: I'll go with dare.

G: oooh your so screwedddd I'm getting you back for eating the last biscuit yesterday

A: now hold on I think we should have a group discussion about this and collectively pick a dare for luce.

H: okay okay

I watch them all leave and go into the kitchen, all I can hear is faint mumbling and then silence I see George walk in by himself without lockwood and holly

L: George where's the others?

G: they are coming I was told to come back and that they'd be in shortly

A: are you ready Luce?

I wasn't ready because I knew that I'd have to do it or forfite for a truth

H: I dare you to kiss George on the cheek

A:hold on that's not what we agreed, luce you don't have to do it.

L: it's only a dare plus George isn't a stranger so it's okay

I made my way to George and pecked him on the cheek but when I turn to Lockwood his jaw is tense and he looks jealous but of what, I don't like George and lockwood dosent like me like that?

L: I think it's your turn lockwood

A" I don't like this game anymore"

H: come on Lockwood it's just about having fun"


Lockwoods pov
I think I love Lucy but the way she so casually kissed george makes me think she dosent feel the same I just want this game to be over with already

A: dare

H: perfect

G: wait are you... yes wait whisper it to me

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