The Good News

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"SAMANTHA WOOD! MY OFFICE NOW."  My boss, Mr. Edgarton yelled at me over the loud speaker.  I headed to his office.  It was a cramped space and smelled of 3-day-old coffee.  Mr. Edgarton was standing at the door with my newly printed article in his hands.  In his rage over whatever it was I did wrong, my boss had crumpled my pages.  They had looked so beautiful when I had given them to him this morning.  But now the stack of well-written, well-documented sources became all crinkled on the edges.  Grumbling to myself I forced a smile even though inside I cringed because for one I hated how close he was to me (I have a serious issue with space around people I don't know well) and because he didn't even call me the right name. 

            "It is Samara, sir. Samara Wood. But yes, what is it?"  I asked in a voice that contained a lot more confidence than I originally thought I had. 

            "Samantha," He completely ignored the first part of my sentence and charged on with what he needed to tell me so urgently.  "This is a very important newspaper we are running here at Sundance.  I need you to be a bit more considerate when you go to an interview.  Also, please try to get real quotes.  I can tell when you rush to finish something and put down fake responses."  He then shoved my papers into my hand and walked away briskly.  All I could think of in response was saying to his back,  "It's Samara." in a small, deflated voice.  I went back to my office to sit down and retype my article.  Not even a minute later, I heard frantic feet racing down the hall to my open door. 

            "SAM!" My best friend Ginger ran up to my desk, nearly colliding with my trash bin on the floor.  She was completely red-faced to match her unnatural orange hair.  "SAM GUESS WHAT?!"  From her expression, I knew it was fairly important, or just extremely exciting.  I wasn't sure which at that point. 

            "WHAT?!"  I asked her in the same tone. 

            "So, as part of an assignment for the paper, I have to go to Vidcon in DC for two weeks and I have an extra ticket!!  I was given two for some reason.  The assignment is due the week after so it would give you a great opportunity to practice your interviewing skills."  I grinned, realizing what she was suggesting.

            "Let's go!"

            "Okay. Great! Also, I know you don't watch that much YouTube so I have a list of people you should look up since those are the ones you will be interviewing. " 

She gave me a paper that suspiciously appeared to have come from the Harry Potter stationary set I found in her desk last week.  It was old parchment.  The names on the paper I didn't recognize at all; that is until I got to the end of the list and saw two names at the very bottom: Hank and John Green.  Something about those names struck a chord with my memory.  Ginge saw the names I was staring at. 

            "They are my two favorites.  Well, aside from the british ones.  They are Americans.  Their youtube name is Vlogbrothers and they share the channel.  Also little side-note, Hank and John are from Indianapolis, just like you are." 

            "Really?  I grew up with two boys next door in Indianapolis whose names were Hank and John.  But that was when I was fairly tiny and honestly we never mentioned surnames so it might be them and I never knew it.  Hmm... Interesting." 

            I headed home at the end of the day to my computer.  I decided to look up these Vlogbrothers.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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