Justice For Jonathan

Start from the beginning

"Bullet wound to the skull, internal bleeding, rupture of the frontal lobe, no signs of a struggle. Fingernails are clean of skin tissue." I read aloud, as Ryan examined Jonathan's body.

 "Frontal lobe rupture? so he must have been shot in the front. Not the back. Which means he was facing the shooter, when this happened. He must have saw his killer before he died" Ryan said.

 "Maybe, he was taken by surprise? there's no way he would have just stood there and allowed himself to get shot." I said, knowing Jonathan personally. 

"Was he expecting anyone else that night?" Ryan asked.

 I shrugged, "not that I recall" I said, wishing we could look through his phone again. 

"Well, I still think that guy you were talking too. What was his name? Cash? he's a drug dealer" Ryan said, as I frowned. 

"Okay..and?" I asked, 

"and.." Ryan said, walking around Jonathan's body and lifting his arms, eyeing his skin closely. 

"Drug dealers usually leave behind some sort of tattoo mark." Ryan said, as I walked over to him. 

"Look" Ryan said, moving Jonathan's head and showing me his neck. A small mark was there. Right under his hair. 

"The police must have assumed this was some sort of tattoo. But you do recognize this symbol?" he asked, as I looked over the tattoo again. 

Trying to remember.

 "That symbol.. I've seen it before." I said, as the memory of the meth houses comes to mind.

 "In the meth house that night, they had it written on the wall" I said, as Ryan narrowed his eyes. 

"I've seen it before, but I don't know what it means. No one even told me what it meant." I said, as Ryan was left in thought. 

Our eyes didn't pull away from each other, and in this moment I realized how close we were. I also wondered what he was possibly thinking. 

I backed away from Ryan slowly, to give me some room to breathe, through all this tension between us. Even though everything in me, felt like it was being pulled towards him. 

Ryan took out his phone, snapping photos of Jonathan's neck. 

"I'll google it tonight, see what pops up and hopefully it's something that helps us" he said. 

"What about the surveillance footage atJonathan's apartment complex?" I asked, as Ryan nodded.

 "Good idea, we should check that too" he said, as he placed the sheet back on Jonathan and pushed him back into his morgue slot. Taking off his gloves and throwing them in the trash nearby. He then went to wash hands, which I appreciated. 

"You okay?" he asked, as we left the morgue, heading back to the car in the middle of the night.

 "I'm fine" I said, as he opened the door for me. 

We headed back to Jonathan's apartment complex and went inside the office.

 "You guys have surveillance footage, right?" Ryan asked, as the two women looked at him. 

"And what is it to you?" they asked. 

"I'm officer McKennedy, with the Scattervale Police Department." he said, and I have no idea why but I'm starting to think it's hot. 

Really hot. 

"I already showed the police the footage" the blonde woman said, as she seemed as though her name was Betty. filing her nails as the other women had lipstick on her teeth.

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