Meliorns arrest

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Magnus pov:
I stared at Silver's wings in awe. She looked over her shoulders and gently glided her fingers over them. Somehow, she managed to bring her wings back in and just stood in her dress with no rips.

"Little rose?" I said while looking at her swaying figure.

All of a sudden, her body collapsed to the floor. Alec and Jace were the first to run over, then me. I waved my hand over her to check for any issues and found none.

"Magnus," Alecs voice drew me out of my thoughts, "is she going to be alright?"

"She's going to be fine, Alec. I'm guessing it's just exhaustion from finding out about her wings nothing more," I spoke gently,"Jace can you take her to her room please while I tell Alec what I know then he can relay the information to you."

*after talking about Silver*
Alec's pov:
I wandered down towards Silver's room and pushed the door open, finding Jace holding her hand while his head was propped on the edge of her bed. His eyes flickered open when I shut the door.

"How's she doing?" I inquired quietly so as not to wake her

"She alright abit in and out of it how did the talk go with Magnus." Jace replied, matching my volume

"So he believes that Silver is more angel than human. However, he can't be sure. Also, another thing her mother didn't tell her or Clary was the fact that she's not techniacally hers she is a surrogate for William's wife Evangeline. Unfortunately, Evangeline and William died before meeting her. Magnus also told me not to tell her what she is until she's deemed ready by the angels. She'll have no recollection of the incident." I relaid to him

Before Jace could speak, Silver began to stir. Her eyes flickered open as she peered around the room, smiling as her gaze landed on us.

"What happened? All I can remember is that thing coming in and nothing else." She spoke quietly

"You got hit pretty hard." I replied

*After 20 minutes of talking*

Silver's pov:
I was talking to the boys when Izzy walked in and looked like she wanted to burst into tears.

"What's wrong Iz?" I asked quietly pulling her into a gentle hug

"Lydia has arrested Meliorn because she believes they are working for Valentine." She whispers to me

"WHAT!!!" I yelled and stand up ready to storm out of my room when Izzy's hands gently pull me back

"You can't do much, right now they're interrogating him." Izzy's gentle voice calms me down

*after watching the interrogation*

Alec pov:
"Shit shit shit." I thought to myself I've just finished talking to Lydia and she's asked me to go with the group who are taking Meliorn to the City of Bones. I rushed through the halls looking for Silver or Jace and found my little angel first huddled in a blanket in the library reading the history of shadowhunters.

"Baby where's Jace." I ask

"He went to get Clary why, what's wrong?" She replied

"I've just been informed that I'm on the team who are taking Meliorn to the City of Bones." I spoke very quickly and the look of sheer panic covered her face

"OK you didn't hear this from me but Izzy, Jace, Clary, Raphael's vamps and Luke's wolf pack are going to be rescuing Meliorn." She blurted out

"OK, just text Jace that I'm going to be there and tell him that he needs to fight me just to make it look real." I replied and placed a light kiss on her lips before leaving.

Jace's pov:
"Hey guys I've got a message from Silver, it says 'Alec is going to be with the group please be careful and make it look like a struggle for him'." I say my voice catching in my throat

"It's ok Jace we'll make sure that you don't have to fight him and you can go back with him as soon as this is over, We can pretend that you were looking for me and got caught in this attack as well." Clary suggested

"Yeah that'll work. OK everyone get in positions." Izzy spoke up

There were a few minutes where the Vamps and wolves fought however that quickly died down when we heard the patrol coming. Everyone moved to there places and the fighting begun, Alec walked on ahead to the entrance.

"Alec." I yelled over to him he stopped and smiled. "Ok got to get you roughed up abit as well as me Izzy can go with Clary and take Meliorn back to the Fae realm."

Alec takes Meliron's handcuffs off and we tell him where Clary and Izzy are. Then we begin to spar.

"OK I thinks that's enough to prove what happened right." Alec said with a smirk

"Yep can you also carry me and make it look like I'm knocked out or could you knock me out because we need a viable story on why I was out." I replied

Next thing I know is I'm out cold.

Alec's pov:
I pressed on a singular pressure point which knocks my beloved blonde out and gently lift him up. The patrol all run to the area I'm in.

"What's Jace doing here?" Raj asked

"He was looking for Clary to bring back to the institute, he got caught up in this mess I found him but was tackled from behind the managed to get Meliorn out." I reply without hesitation

Nobody questioned me after that and we began to head back to the Institute where Silver was waiting for us. She ran over looking worried

"Hey what happend out there? are you alright? why is jace knocked out? Is everyone safe?" Silver acted really worried but I could see the mischievous glint in her eyes.

"Let me take Jace to his room then we can talk OK." I place a kiss on her nose and she nods her head following as we leave the main enterance.

We get to Jace's room and as soon as he was on his bed he wakes up his eyes flicking around the room before landing on me and Silver.

"You could have given me some warning asshole." He said jokingly cause a fit of giggles to escape our darling angel.

"Where's the fun in that." I replied planting a long and loved filled kiss on his lips.

"Hey where's my kiss." Silver whined and as I turned around I could help but chuckle at the pout on her face. "Meanies." She sound like a kid

I pulled her on to Jace and kissed her passionately while Jace just placed light kisses along her neck.

We called it a night and dozed off in eachothers arms. The next few were going to be long with the wedding planning which Izzy wants to help with. But I can't wait to marry these two nutters. Before falling asleep I kissed their heads and pulled them closer shutting my eyes dreaming of the future.

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