Always - Choi Yeonjun

Start from the beginning

Halfway through the ride back to my destination, Chaeyeon's head falls forward. I look over and see she's sleeping. It's been forever since I saw her sleeping by me. I've missed it, as much as I hate to admit it.

When I reach my apartment, I look at Chaeyeon and see that she's still sleeping. I begin to nudge her shoulder, before remembering that she's one of the most difficult people to wake up. Even if I can wake her up, she may just hit me and go back to sleep. So I get out of the car and go to her door, opening it and unbuckling the seatbelt.

I put my back against her chest and lean her forward a bit, laying her arms over my shoulders. I secure her body on mine and lift her off the seat, then close the door behind me.

I carry her slowly to my front door and go inside.

My couch is covered with clothes and various belongings, so I bring her to the guest bedroom and lay her on the bed. She moves onto her left side as I remove her shoes, setting them by the nightstand. I also take the bobby pins out of her hair because I remember how much she hates sleeping with them in.

I was about to leave when I felt inclined to turn around. She's sleeping so peacefully, her hair moving with every breath she takes.

I have to stop myself from watching her sleep because if she wakes up and I'm just staring at her, she would think I'm a creep.

I leave the room and crack the door closed, then walk to my room.

I lay on my bed and stare up at the ceiling, memories flooding through my mind of all the moments Chaeyeon and I had together.

"No, Yeonjun, stop!" Chaeyeon yells through the room. Her smile lights up the room about as much as the sunlight coming in through the window.

I lean forward and touch her nose, spreading whipped cream on her face.

"You're supposed to eat it, not put it on me!" She yells again and gets up to run away. I stand up too, chasing her through the hallway and down into the guest bedroom.

"Where are you going to go now?" She scans the room looking for an exit. Apparently, she can't find one so she just jumps to me and pushes me out of the way. I grab her arm and pull her back before she gets away.

Now we're face to face and the room has gone quiet.

"Now what?" I whisper.

"Um..." she plants a light kiss on my lips, leaving me shocked and I drop her hand. She takes advantage of my shocked state to run away.

A smile grows on my lips, but I snap out of it and walk slowly back to the living room. I see the top of her head poking out from behind the couch.

I pull her out and her smile fades seeing me with a serious look on my face.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that without your permission-"

I kiss her again before she can apologize anymore.

"Don't be sorry," I say, my forehead leaning against hers.

She smiles and I pull my hand out from behind my back. I still have some whipped cream on my finger and I spread it on her cheek.

"Yeonjun!" She yells and the chase continues.

A tear falls down my cheek and onto my pillow. Where did it all go wrong? Why couldn't I have saved us? Then I wouldn't be suffering like this...

I was able to hold in all my feelings when I just watched her from afar. But now... now that she's in my house, it's so much harder.

Just then, I hear the door to my room creak open.

"Yeonjun?" I hear Chaeyeon whisper through the silent room. I stay still, pretending to be asleep. I hear the door close after I don't respond and I sit up, taking a deep breath. It was then that I saw Chaeyeon by my bed, watching me.

"Chaeyeon, what are you doing in here?" She doesn't say anything. Instead, she just lays down next to me with her arm around my waist. Just like before. "Chae-"

"I still love you." I know this is a cliche saying, but I swear I felt my heart stop for a minute. I don't know how to respond to her, especially because I don't even know my own feelings toward her. Do I still love her and want to be with her? Or do I just miss having someone in my life who cared for me?

I decide to face my problem and turn around to look her in the eyes.

"You don't have to say anything, just stay here," she says as she moves closer to me, filling the space that's been empty for months. I can still smell the alcohol on her breath, but it doesn't bother me very much right now.

It's quiet for a few minutes before I can finally speak.

"Chaeyeon... I'm sorry. For everything. I never meant to hurt you. I just loved you so much that I was afraid of getting hurt myself. And in the end, that's exactly what happened. I thought that maybe if I stayed away from you, then I could prevent heartbreak. But the only thing that can keep me from getting hurt is being here with you." She looks up at me and suddenly, it all feels better again. Like I don't have to run anymore.

"Really? I... I thought you didn't love me anymore. And that was why you left," she says.

"No, I love you more than you could ever imagine." I pull her closer to me as if I'd lose her if I let go. "Stay here forever."

"I will, Yeonjun. Always."

(A/N : So I hope you all enjoyed this! It took me a while to write it, I won't lie. But I think it turned out ok. It could be way better if I spent some more time on it but I feel bad for making you all wait this long, so here it is :) please let me know what you thought about it and I'll try to have something else up soon!)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2023 ⏰

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