Day 0 - Unexpected Trial Proposal

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"Again?" Fourth asked shocked.

"What? You are talking like I do this very frequently." Gemini replied looking away scratching his head.

"This is your third breakup in a span of a year." Fourth kept his bag on the table and sat beside Gemini.

"Isn't my count better than yours?" Gemini raised his eyebrows.

"I was never in a relationship." Fourth rolled his eyes.

"Yeah that's true. You just went out on a date with someone random every month." Gemini teased him with a grimace.

"A SINGLE date per person." Fourth countered. "Unless you spend time with someone how can you be sure if they are worth it?"

"So you think my way of hanging out after being in a relationship is wrong?" Gemini pondered.

"Honestly, at this point, I don't know which one of us is right. Because we both are single with fucked up dating history. Best friends in its true sense." Fourth said showing his middle finger.

They both chuckled.

"Let's go to class. We are running late." Gemini said getting up and walking towards the class.

Fourth nodded and followed him.


After classes ended for the day, the two friends were walking back to their home.

"Hoyy losers!" Mark ran and caught up from behind.

Both Gemini and Fourth rolled their eyes.

"What? You are not happy to see me?" Mark asked raising his eyebrows.

"Why would we be? Since the time you started dating Ford, both you and Ford are invisible after classes." Gemini complained.

"Tell me honestly, you are here because today Ford is on leave right?" Fourth asked.

"Awww do you think so?" Mark asked with a pout on which both Gemini and Fourth nodded. "Well, that's not entirely false though." Mark chuckled and wrapped his hand around both their shoulders.

"Move, it's hot and sticky." Both the friends yanked Mark's hand away together in a similar way saying the exact same thing.

"You both are equally annoying. Hey by the way Gem, I heard you broke up again?" Mark asked.

"What's with 'again'? Why do you all ask the same way?" Gemini asked irked.

Fourth chuckled.

"Ok ok... Sorry. But honestly, you both are either very unlucky or you are making bad choices."

"Are you here to add insult to our injury?" Fourth raised his brows at Mark.

"No my friend. I am here because I had this mind-blowing thought in the afternoon which I think I should let you both know. It might turn out to be a good idea." Mark said excited.

"I am not interested in blowing my mind." Gemini said nonchalant and started walking faster.

"Me too. My mind is already switched off right now." Fourth added and followed Gemini ignoring Mark completely.

Mark ran and held both their hands. "Listen to me guys. Why don't you both try dating each other?"

"WHAT??" Unanimously both the friends turned to look at Mark. "ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?" They again said the same thing together.

"See! That's what I mean. You guys are so in sync with each other." Mark pointed towards both of them.

Gemini and Fourth looked at each other blankly.

"Do you feel it?" Mark asked.

"No" Gemini said.

"Nothing." Fourth added.

"Besides, he is a guy." Gemini said.

"Yeah... That... I mean just because you know you like a guy, doesn't mean we can like guys too." Fourth said.

"Who is asking you to like guys? I am asking you to see if you both to see if you like each other. I mean, you are thick since you were sperms. Nobody will be able to understand you better than your best friend who has even shared nappies with you."

"Bullshit!" Gemini said and started walking.

"Stop spouting nonsense and call Ford if you are that bored." Fourth said to Mark and walked away.

Mark shook his head and chuckled running behind them again. "How about a trial then? Try dating each other for a month. What say?"

"Why are you hell-bent on this?" Fourth asked annoyed.

"You guys are so dull right now. As a friend when I see potential for you to be happy, I can't help but be a cupid." Mark smiled.

"I'll shoot your cupid arrow in your ass if you continue talking anymore." Gemini snapped.

"TEN DAYS!" Mark yelled when both the friends ignored him again and started walking away. "TRY DATING EACH OTHER FOR TEN DAYS." He ran towards them yelling.

"Are you crazy? Look around. We are on the road. Stop screaming." Gemini glared at him.

"Sorry." Mark said guiltily. "What I am saying is, you have nothing to lose. See any way you guys hang out together all the time. Just try and think a notch higher. Ten days. If it doesn't work out, then you guys can prove me wrong. But if it does, then maybe you will stop being heartbroken all the time." Mark said.

"If it doesn't work out, we will lose our friendship." Fourth said.

"Have that much trust in each other. 18 years of friendship vs 10 days' trial. Which one do you think should be stronger?"

Gemini and Fourth looked at each other again speculating what Mark said.

"What do you think?" Gemini asked Fourth.

"I don't know. What do you think?" He asked Gemini back.

They both thought for a moment longer before Gemini finally spoke up. "Let's try."

"Huh?" Fourth looked up confused.

"Let's date for a 10-day trial period. If it doesn't work out, we both will never talk about it from eleventh day onwards." Gemini extended his hand.

Fourth took a while to process everything but looking at his best friend agreeing to it, he too decided to agree and shook hands with him.

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