U.A Chaos Chat Part 15

Start from the beginning

"Always begging please"

"Yet the outcome of it, I wouldn't dread"
"I've fallen to my knees"
"Let my pride get to my head"
"Now I'm all alone"
"Hearing whispers in the dark"
"I wander through the past"
"Seeing memories afar"

"All stay strong"

"We live? Or do we?"
"All is 'well' in the Midoriya family"
"Lives, he fell to pure insanity"
"All is hell in the Midoriya family!"




"As wow! it had been a long day! Sho! You here and Izuku too? ... ....Ifelt like I missed a big part of drama.. "

*sigh* "lemme tell you".."Izuku do you want to stay or leave?"

"Not gonna lie I wanna see Papa's reaction!"


*Realization* *Blushes*


"People are bullying Izuku while people saying that he have a perfect life while all of them have it perfect while he knows way too much and how the world really treats people..As he is trying to make changes but saying that nothing will change.."

"Basically upon his whole life his family have been stereotyped as a perfect family while actually behind all of the covers, he have been manipulated as his father started to go insane"

"He has monsters that are nightmares and a day of joy of when he was going to the quirk doctor..but..thats when he found out he was quirk-less.. because of that.."

"He started to get emotionless as he hide from his bastard of a father as he pretend that he is fine to all the people who cares for him"

"He kept begging his father to not do something but the outcome.. is something he wouldn't dread as his pride got into his head blocking out the outcomes of the begging. As his memories starts to fill back up his brain to how this all started."

"Am I correct ?"

"Yes...Sadly, Papa only has a slight frown.. bummer.."

"But to be honest i can only sing about my problems without breaking down so yea.."

"Be careful when you use it.."

"I say 'you can use my flesh, but don't abuse it..' "

"As you're praying that your human.."

"Something in my head screaming run now.."

"As people say that they love you, but won't let you stay since they abuse it.."

"And shit like don't change overnight.."

"These voices in my head, screaming, 'Run now' "

"I'm praying that they're human!"

"Please understand that I'm trying my hardest"
"My head's a mess but I'm trying regardless"
"Anxiety is one hell of a problem"
"She's latching onto me, I can't resolve it"
"It's not right, it's not fair"

"He said, 'Careful, or you'll lose it' "

"But Man, I'm only human"
"And I know there's a blade where your heart is"
"And you know how to use it"
"As i used to say, 'you can take my flesh if you want' "
" 'But please
, don't abuse it ..' "

"I've been cutting corners like my whole life"

"Backstabbing bitches tryna kill me with a whole knife"

"As they are abusing it.."




"Sho.. I'm scared.."

"Never knew you could be scared expect for insects."


"Twisted by a fantasy"

"I'm a desperation for morality"

"Did he mean?...."

"Yes he did mean that..."
"I stand again but I feel I am empty"
"I'm a shell of someone"
"A shadow of a man"
"Can't decide whether I'm dead or alive"
"But there seems to be more"
"Voices in my head"
"Than just mine"
"A darker fate for a broken man"
"This mangled entity has become"
"All that i am?
"Something doesn't sit right with me"
"I'm a dead boy walking"
"Or at least I should be.."
"But despite all of this"
"I'm still here"

"But I am not who I was anymore.."



*Starts to see Aizawa as Hizashi and Mic as Inko (Inko died from drugs and alcohol, lol we love some drunk n' abusive parents don't we?)

"Diving deeper into madness.."

*starts to cry*

"I'm breaking.."
"I'm breaking.."
"I'm breaking.."
"You" *Points to Aizawa*

"Told me I was worthless"
"I couldn't run away.."
"Yet I still did what you say"

"Hiza.. I think he has prosopagnosia.." (Face blindness: Difficulty recognizing faces)
"Father when I find you.."
"I know you're gonna pay!"
"Do you really think I'll let it"
"End this way?"


"I'm breaking.."
"I'm breaking.."
"I'm breaking...."

*Pass out due to exhaustion and dehydration* (because he kept screaming)


"I'm going to adopt him no matter what it takes..."

"....Your not Shouta-"

"Shut up"

LOL THIS TOOK TWO DAYS BECAUSE I'VE BEEN READING OTHER FAN FICS.. also because I have been procrastinating lol srry for not uploading smth yesterday bc of that

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