Chapter 4: You Told Me I Was Pretty When I Looked Like a Mess

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(Title from Today was a Fairytale by Taylor Swift)

The next morning, Jackie wakes up, seeing that Steven's side of the bed is empty. She gets up and makes the bed, heading to her room, getting dressed. She tries on all of her outfits, and yet nothing seems to fit quite right. So she puts on a pair of sweatpants and an old Led Zeppelin hoodie that she found in Hyde's closet one day. She never told him that she took it, she's never worn it, and she hasn't washed it because it still smells like him.

Once she finishes getting dressed, she tosses her hair into a bun, and goes into the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. As she's getting out the creamer, she hears a voice from behind, "Good morning, beautiful."

"Good morning," She blushes, "I look like a mess, though, but thank you."

"A mess?" He says, "No, you're in a Zeppelin hoodie, my Zeppelin hoodie which I haven't seen in 2 years, but regardless."

"Yeah I kinda took it to have memories of when we were together."

"Well you look good in it," He smiles, "So I'll let ya keep it."

"You didn't notice it when I took it in the first place," She giggles.

"I did, I just didn't say anything because I wanted you to have something of mine since you gave me the shirt back," He explains.


"Yeah Jackie?" He replies.

"Are you on for mini golf and cheeseburgers today?" She asks.

"Sure," He replies, "Are you going to go in that, because I feel a little overdressed for the occasion."

"I could change my pants into jeans, and put on a pair of boots," She replies, "Then we could look like the picture."

"Picture? What picture?" He says.

"This one," She says, going to her room, grabbing the picture and showing him. When He sees it, he takes off his sunglasses. "Oh-oh my god," He whispers.


Steve doesn't say anything, instead he gently grabs her face and kisses her. She smiles and kisses him back. The pair kiss for a while before Jackie pulls away, "What was that for?"

"Just because," He smiles.

She smiles and goes to get changed. While she changes, Steve looks at the photo. He wonders how many others she's got. He didn't know she decided to take the roll of film to be developed after it ran out, with this photo, to be exact. When she comes back out, he hangs the picture on the fridge.

"Well," She says, "What do you think?"

"You look so beautiful Jacqueline Beulah Burkhart," Steven says earnestly. He's never seen a woman more beautiful in his life until now.

"Steven, you know how to make a girl blush," She looks away.

"I'm just telling the truth Jackie," He says, wrapping his arms around her waist, "Now let's go so I can kick your ass in mini golf."

"I'm gonna win," She smirks.

"No you're not."

"Yes I will, and I know why," She states.

"And why's that, hm?" He smirks.

"Because you'll let me," She replies, "That, and you can't resist me when I'm bent over."

"Jacqueline, language!" He exclaims playfully, grabbing her hand and pulling her to the car with him.

When they arrive at the mini golf place, Jackie pays for the both of them and they start playing. Jackie's competitive edge really shines and as predicted, she wins. "See!" She smiles widely, picking up the orange golf ball, "Told you I would win."

"Only because I let you," Hyde concedes, smiling softly.

"Hungry?" She suggests.

He nods, "Yeah I could go for a hamburger."

The two head back inside and order their food. Unlike earlier, Steve pays for the food, much to Jackie's protests. The two sit down at a booth and just talk. They're just so happy to be hanging out with one another they don't care about anything else.

"So, Jackie, I know it's only been a day, but I was wondering, have you given the talk show position any thought?" He asks.

"I mean," She starts, "It would be nice to be back in Wisconsin, but I dunno... Chicago was a really cool place."

"But do you like living there?"

This was a question that stumped Jackie. Sure, she liked the windy city, but living there was exhausting. She had so many opportunities there, but she didn't feel at home there. She liked Pleasant Pointe because of... Hyde. He held her here, no matter how many opportunities came her way, she realizes she doesn't want to leave and lose him.

"To be completely honest, no I don't," She admits, "It's not... home. I live there, but that city wouldn't be home unless you were there."


She nods, blushing.

"Jackie, I love you, I do," He says, "But in order for us to be together, you need to break up with your boyfriend. I don't want you to stoop down to his level."

"I know," She says, "But I don't want to go back there by myself."

"I can't leave," He says, "I have too much keeping me here, if I could, though, I would."

She nods sadly. She wants to be with Hyde, but in order to do that she needs to do the inevitable. She's stuck between a rock and a hard place. Overcome with emotion, she finishes her food and runs outside.

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