Prince of the Blood Moon

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Sylvie had heard many tales about the wolf.

Growing up, stories about 'The beast of Jötunheim forest' were frequently told around the fire in the villages outside of Ásgarð.

Some say it was cursed for murdering a member of the royal family. Others say that it was a demon that crawled out from the pits of Hell to wreak havoc on the mortal world.

But Sylvie?

Sylvie thought it was all hogwash.

She had no use for the tall-tales from the other villagers. It was hard enough just being a woman and a weaponsmith...she certainly didn't need superstitions to hold her back.

The other townsfolk thought her insane, and would often remark how a woman's place was 'in the home, not holding a sword.'

That didn't stop them from buying her weapons, however.

Sylvie's daggers and swords were second to none, and sought after across the entire realm. Even the royal forges in Niðavellir could not surpass her in her craft.

She could wield them as well she made them, ensuring that neither she nor her swords were something to be messed with.

Least of all by an imaginary werewolf.


"Must you go now? Oh Sylvie, surely you can wait until morning?"

"Not if I want to get this order Vanaheim in time, Grams."

Sylvie's grandmother shook her head. The girl had the same stubborn look in her her father always did when he set his mind to something.

Fárbauti knew, as she always did, that it would be pointless to argue.

"Just be careful. I couldn't bear it if something happened to you."

"I'll be fine, Grams, no need to worry. It's going to take a lot more than some old legend to harm me."

"I hope you're right."

Sylvie donned her red cloak, and after hugging her grandmother goodbye, set out with her cart of weapons and headed out of the village.


Jötunheim forest was full of dense foliage enveloped by a thick fog. The lantern she held up barely cut through the endless shadows ahead.

The snap of a twig in the distance startled her.

She put one hand on the hilt of her sword and raised the light higher.

"Someone there? Best to come out now while I'm still in a good mood."

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