Chapter Two

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She had slain Rufio in cold blood. Without a bit of remorse. She was still, even after two days, walking around like the undead. In a state of seemingly unending numbness. But something had began to gnaw at her inside. A small ball of guilt forming in the pit of her stomach. She had fled the Inn of Ill Omen, donning leather armor from a now dead bandit. Kill one time and it opens a gateway to a never-ending cycle of death.

She found rest under a bridge just off a town she'd heard being called "Pell's Gate". And when she awoke, he was there again. This time he did startle her, and she found herself growing more and more out of the phase of shock.

"So, the deed is done. How do I know this? You will find that the Dark Brotherhood knows a great many things. For you are now part of the family." Lucien said. He was a little too close to her for comfort and she stayed in a sitting position as she had been when she was sleeping. She could not see his smile or his demeanor, as she would not directly look at him. A behavior that frustrated him though he did not show it.

"Now what?" She asked quietly to the ground.

"Now you embrace your fate." He said, finding her decision to speak most agreeable. No matter how little. "The slaying of Rufio was the signing of a covenant. The manner of execution, your signature. Rufio's blood, the ink. As a Speaker of the Black Hand, I directly oversee a particular group of family members. You will join that group, and fulfill any orders given. You must now go to the city of Cheydinhal, to the abandoned house near the eastern wall. Enter the basement, and attempt to open the black door. You will be asked a question. Answer thusly: 'Sanguine, my Brother.' You will gain entrance to the Sanctuary. Once inside, speak with Ocheeva. We must now take our leave of each other, you and I, for there is much work to be done. I have a feeling we shall meet again soon. Welcome to the family, recruit." Knowing she would not choose to ask questions, he decided that leaving to allow her to think would be the best course of action.

It was easier for her to travel then with boots and armor instead of bare feet and a nightgown. Her hand ached and looked possibly infected, but she didn't have half the mind to deal with it yet.

When she reached Cheydinhal and entered through the abandoned house, she was met with a spooky door emitting a red glow in the basement. She tried pushing on it but it did not budge. Instead, from the door, came a voice at a low whisper.

"What is the color of night?" Was the only thing it asked.

"Sanguine, my brother." She responded. This time when she pushed on it, it swung open. She was more than apprehensive. Positively terrified. She felt like she was entering a lion's den. It was night and the stone Sanctuary seemed to be abandoned. She soon found that it was not so, but that most of the inhabitants were sleeping. A skeleton with steel armor and a glass battle axe lurking around the corner had given her quite the scare, but it simply ignored her and walked on like nobody was there. Chest still heaving, she searched around quietly for this Ocheeva woman. Instead, all she met were closed doors that she didn't have the courage to knock on at such a late hour, standing in what felt like a stranger's home. Instead, she waited in the main area until dawn.

When Ocheeva had rounded the corner of the Sanctuary, beginning her day early as usual, she was surprised to see the new recruit sitting on the floor petting their rat, Schemer.

"You must be Loralei." Ocheeva said. The girl gave quite a start, jumping quickly to her feet with wide eyes. Ocheeva had a bad feeling right off the bat that this one was going to be a lot of work. And she was relieved to know it wouldn't be her problem.

To Loralei, Ocheeva was not all that imposing at first glance. An Argonian woman of average height. But after another look, she could tell Ocheeva was muscular and very nicely fit. She wore dark armor, black as midnight. Seeing as the recruit wasn't planning to speak, Ocheeva continued.

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