The One

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A/N - I know this is the name of one of the Selection books but it is not remotely like the series. This one-shot is basically Alvar choosing one of his 3 billion girlfriends to actually commit to.


*Alvar's POV*

I always knew my life would be extraordinary as a Vacker... and even though I was Keefe's hero things were getting a little stressful while juggling with three girlfriends. 

This moment had been coming for ages, even if I didn't expect it to. It was time to commit, and even though that wasn't really how I'd expected to spend my life it's how I wanted to now, and I knew exactly who I'd choose.

Y/N was pretty, strong too since she'd manifested as a (your ability) at a fairly young age. Even though I sort of liked the others she was the one I usually devoted my time, I always got her the nicest gifts, and I trusted her with several of my secrets.

By the time I left my room, my mother and sister, Della and Biana, had gotten back from their trip to Atlantis. I tried to slip out unseen, but my mom caught me halfway out the door.

"Alvar," she called, beckoning me back into the house, "where are you going?"

I sighed. I could lie and pretend I was returning to my small-ish apartment or heading back to Ravagog, but since I was planning to commit I decided to tell her. "I'm going to visit Y/N," I told her, trying to slip away again, but being held in place by my mom's firm expression.

"Alvar--," she started, stopping briefly before continuing, "I think it's horrible to tease these girls and pretend you like them while dating others, juggling around with multiple girlfriends is cruel."

I nodded. "I'm going to commit to Y/N," I said, "she's perfect, strong, beautiful, and everything I'd want in someone I love."

Della smiled, turning around and leaving me alone. I walked out of the house and leaped to Y/N's house. 

.   .   .

*Y/N's POV*

I grumbled as I heard the knock on my door. I'd been living on my own for a while, and hardly anyone ever visited. 

Getting up I walked to the door, opening it to see Alvar. His sparkling cobalt blue eyes and perfectly gelled hair made him recognizable, even though he looked a bit strange for a Vacker.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. It was no secret he was dating several girls at once, at first I was angry about it but then I'd grown not to mind it. Sure it still was agonizing to know the man you loved was doing the same thing to other girls that he was to you, but I still loved him all the same.

Alvar met my eyes. "I came to tell you that you're the one," he whispered. For a moment I didn't understand what he was saying but then I realized what he meant. Staring at him I couldn't believe it... out of all the elves Alvar had chosen me. My eyes watered as he placed a hand on my back and added, "you were the obvious choice."

"Thank you," I replied, smiling. 

Alvar laughed and then embrace me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his back and as soon as the hug was over he pulled me in for a kiss.

When we pulled apart I was overjoyed. Alvar loved me. He chose me, not someone else, this wasn't a dream or my imagination playing tricks on me. 

"Want to go out for dinner in Atlantis tonight?" Alvar asked.

"Sure," I replied, "meet me here at six."

He let out another long laugh. "I'm not going anywhere," he said, pulling me close again. I closed my eyes as he kissed me again, and I knew that I was the only one Alvar would ever love.

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