You sat on the floor, in the snow. It was especially cold because, of course, you were wearing your favorite skirt. Because you were stubborn and didn't listen to Tetta when he told you to wear something warm since it was cold outside.

Hanma took your wrists and pulled you up so you could stand up. "Let's go get ice-cream, Streetlamp. Then I'll let you fly away♡︎" you looked at your friend and pouted. "...Streetlamp?" You took a handful of snow and threw it at Hanma.

You giggled and wheezed as he just looked at the ground without saying a word. You were laughing so hard that you didn't even notice the ginormous snowball he made. "Kisaki.." "Ahah...Eh?" You turned around to see Hanma holding a gigantic snowball above his head, ready to throw it at you.

Your smile dropped and you were about to run off when the snowball hit your head. The cold was horrible and you felt yourself shivering and sneezing. "Ah! Hanma! That's- 'CHOO! That's mean!" The male hurried inside the ice-cream shop, you could see him laughing at you from the window. "Urgh! This bitch! HANMA."


December 31 2005

You caught a cold. "Told you. It's cold outside, isn't it?" Tetta gave you a whole speech about why you should at least wear stockings outside but you were too stubborn to listen to him. And so today you caught a cold. "That's what you get for being so stubborn. You do know that winter clothes can also be very pretty, don't you? You don't need to only wear summer clothes to feel pretty."

"But I'm feeling better already... And no winter clothes can be as pretty as summer ones! I got invited to a party... Please let me go~" your brother gave you a dirty look before sighing loudly. "Fine! Go out with your stupid little peanut stubborn brain and your big cold and runny nose. I won't come with you, I have plans with Hanma."

As soon as you got your brother's approval, you jumped out of the couch and gave him a big wet kiss on the forehead. "Thank You, Tetta~ You're the sweetest little brother in the whole world." He made a puking sound and wiped his big forehead with the back of his hand "You disgust me." "Yeah love you too, I'll go get ready now~" You rushed upstairs and started to get ready for tonight.

You don't necessarily need Tetta's approval to go out, you just happen to know that he loves to be in control, so you let him decide things for you from time to time like your outfit for the day or if you can hangout with your friends or not. Even so, you are still the oldest, and if he says something you don't like, you'll let him know.

So basically you let your brother be in control of certain things so he could feel great about himself. He probably knew you wouldn't let him be in control of everything, but he was still satisfied with what you let him do.

At ten in the afternoon, you knocked on your brother's door. No response. You try to open the door slowly "Tetta?" His room was locked. He was already with Hanma by now. You took three hours to get ready, he probably couldn't wait for you any longer. "Well, now I don't have to lie about who I'll be out with."

So now you were in some random park waiting for the oldest Haitani to show up. "Ridor!" You looked over to your right to see Ran making his way towards you. "You're here early." You smiled at him, "You look very handsome, Haitani."

He laughed to hide his little blush. "Eh... aren't you cold? You're wearing light clothes..." you frowned "What do you mean? My clothes are fine! I'm wearing jeans!" The half blond looked at you up and down and sighed. "Sure."

Ran had the biggest crush on you and apparently his brother knew about it since he didn't show up to your little hang out.

"Okay, now let's go! I have a secret place to show ya~" Ran took your hand and led you towards his bike. "Ooh, is that why you asked me not to take my bike? You want me to hug your waist?~" The older Haitani smirked and nodded "Yeah, exactly. I wanted you to keep me warm~" you laughed "Aw! You're such a flirt, Ran."

The ride was long and fun. When he stopped, you looked around the big park filled with all sorts of winter flowers like snowdrops and crocuses. "Holy! Isn't this a private garden?" The male nodded and winked at you "Asked the owner to let me borrow his park for a day, just for you~" the two of you laughed at his corny flirting and got closer to the water.

"A picnic date, uh. Near a lake with no animals and ugly naked trees... That's so cool!" Ran listened to you without saying a word.

You were talking about your interests, explaining more drama from your school, and about the gift you thought was perfect for your brother and all that fell into deaf ears. The man was too busy looking at your lips moving to form sentences and at your shining gray eyes focused on the little brown bird searching for worms or anything else  it could eat.

He found it crazy. Even in winter, you'll go out with clothes that reveal certain parts of your body. Weren't you cold with your tummy exposed like that? Ran caught himself just staring at you. Your jewels, your makeup, your fashion sense, everything about you, he found it fascinating.

"And then she threatened to kill him and-" "Ridor." You hummed and looked at the boy. Ran was getting closer and closer to you, his lips inches away from yours. "We've known each other for a while now and you know..." You stared at his slightly pink thin lips. He was about to ask for a kiss when you took a big bite out of your sandwich "What's your lipstick brand? It's so pretty!"

He just sat there silently before lying down "It's all natural, baby. You can't know what it's like since you're so ugly." You swallowed your food and dramatically gasped "WHAT! Ugly yourself!" it seemed like the boy wasn't getting a kiss from you today.

Yes Ran is a love interest

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