Chapter I - A Proper Hogwarts Greeting

Start from the beginning

"Burbank! Over here!" It was Nellie calling from high atop the fireplace. She must have used magic to get that high. Silver made her way over to the girl before they had a quick discussion about her obsession with climbing. Silver made the rounds in the common room before Garreth told her that his aunt was waiting for her just outside the portrait hole.

"You wished to see me, Professor?" Silver said the question with a certain strain in her voice from stooping over in the passage between the rest of the castle and the common room.

"I did, Miss Burbank. I have your class schedule for you. Please remember to prioritize your education. I know this new world must be exciting for you to begin exploring, but what good adventures can you embark on without the necessary knowledge."

"Of course, Professor. There will be no problem with me skipping class. I am excited to get my hands on as much information as I can find." Silver smiled awkwardly at the woman as she clasped her hands together tightly in front of her.

"That is good to hear. On that note, I have something that will help you manage your assignments and allow you to learn more about the world around you." Weasley produced a leather-bound book with a golden insignia on the front seemingly out of nowhere. "This is your field guide," The book was gently pushed into Silver's hands as the professor continued, "use it well. Now get on to Defense Against the Dark Arts then Potions this afternoon."

"Yes, Professor Weasley." Silver looked around the hall that was teeming with life. Mostly Gryffindors in this hall, but a few others snuck into the pack. Silver joined the calamity of students as she used her new field guide to locate Defense Against the Dark Arts.

After a journey that felt hours long, Silver reached a doorway with strange eyeballs onto of long golden stands on either side. This must be the room. The pushed the heavy door open to reveal her friend from the feast, Leander mid duel with a Slytherin boy she recognized from her time under the sorting hat. He was the one looking up so intently. It must have been a sight to see someone as old as herself being sorted.

Spells were flying left and right. Leander did not seem to be doing very well. If it weren't for the goofy smile still plastered on his face, Silver would have jumped in to help. That was until the Slytherin boy's spell ricocheted off of Leander's shield and sent a large skeleton diving for the class below. With perfect timing, Professor Hecat -- whose name she found in her field guide -- levitated the animal back into its proper position.

"That is enough of that. If you care so much to duel, might I suggest doing so far away from an irreplaceable artifact?" The small grey-haired woman made her way down the steps and began to review accio from last year. Silver Burbank, much to her table partner Leander's annoyance, picked up the spell instantly. It took everyone else at least a good few minutes before picking the feather up off of their desk.

An hour had passed of casting, listening to the uses of the spell, more casting, and history of the spell, the class must have finally been over. "Everyone, gather round," Hecat called from the steps she watched her class from. Everyone complied.

"Let's put this to use. We are going to have a quick dueling match since some of your classmates seem so fond of it. However, you will only be using a basic cast, protego, and accio. Do I have any volunteers?" No one raised their hands after overhearing the lashing that the boys had received earlier. For a tiny old woman, Hecat seemed to terrify everyone in the room.

"Fine then," she said, "Mr. Sallow since you want to use dangerous spells in my classroom you can try your luck in a fair fight. Let's see... ah, yes. Miss Silver Burbank," Hecat drew out each sound of her name for dramatic effect. "Let us use this dual as a measure of your current skill."

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