breakdown: ziam

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Listen to "Quite miss home" by James Arthur for extra pain.


4 months. It's been 4 months since Liam and Kate "are a thing." They aren't really... but they have to pretend, of course.
They didn't even do it on purpose, Liam had worked on music, and Zayn had worked on music. And when they told their managers about it, by coincidence, they happened to choose around the same time.
They also didn't do it on purpose. The fact that they had so many love songs about each other, they couldn't help it.
But the rumours... their managers didn't want the bad image, of course they didn't. So Liam decided to step up and sacrifice his freedom for his beloved husband. He would do anything for that man. So, before Zayn could even hear about anything at all, Liam went up and said he would do a stunt relationship to save his husband from suffering.
He didn't like stunting, but knowing Zayn would go through that if he didn't do anything was even worse. So, here he is, 4 months later. It's sad, to say the least. He has to spend time in a completely different continent with a girl he can't stand. He needs to do "coupley" things and talk to people when all he wants to do is watch TV with Zayn in his arms. He talks to his husband quite often, but it's just not the same. He can see that glimpse of sadness through the screen... he didn't want that. He regretted his decision for making his loved one cry, but what if it was the other way around?
He was tired. He spent all of his days locked in a hotel room, then went out sometimes at night. He had to shoot pictures and videos with "the love of his life" and then go back to his room. He missed Zayn. He missed when he'd go outside to smoke. He missed when he'd get mad at Liam for forgetting to take his shoes off before going into the house. He missed Zayn's meals. He missed Zayn's arms. He missed home.
They didn't plan that. They didn't plan to be apart because of music. That's not what they wanted at all. They didn't want to have to choose between their dreams of their love. It was so unfair. But yet, here they are. Apart and suffering, for the sake of their dreams.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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