The Fugitive and The Princess

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The News
Yukio was the only descendant to the possesions of the Yamasaki Family, one of the most wealthy and richest family line in the country.

-Character Bio-
Prince Yukio Yamasaki
Currently 19 y.o
Born on December 24
He was so smart and has a very high I.Q. that he was excelled to a college university when he was just 15 and was forced to take 3 courses at once, architecture, accountancy and his favorite, electrical engineering.He completed all and achieved Summa Cum Laude in his courses at 19, but he wasn't that happy about it. His family immediately made him the president of their company, making him earn millions in just weeks.
He was so perfect for the family, but they never asked him about his desires neither give himself a chance to decide for his life.
Deep inside of him, there was hatred, he hates his own family. He just wanted to be free, to live with his own strength, without anybody telling him what to do.

He was currently in his office, staring at the blank papers on his desk.

He had to be inspecting their new branch, but he seemed to be too bored to move so he cancelled the inspection. He also told her secretary to just send out a representative to the important meetings.

He doesn't know what he wanted to do or what he was waiting for, he just felt doing nothing, staring on every corner of his office. He still can't believe that he already was earning millions in his young age.

He stood up, came near the jalousie and pulled it up. He saw the whole city, it looked like toy buildings from his office, he quite forgot that he was on the 21st floor of his company building.

He didn't want this. He wanted more adventure, more of his own choice. He wanted to live somewhere he wont be told what to do.

A knock came from the door.

"Come in." He said as he drew near his desk, slowly sitting on his comfy office chair.

A familiar face came in. It was his father, Yosuke Yamasaki.

-Character Bio-
Yosuke Yamasaki
Currently 40 y.o
Retired manager of the company. A supportive father, he provides everything that Yukio needs, even things he didn't.
He was married to Sakura Yoshiki on his debut (a man's debut is celebrated on his 21st birthday).

"Hey son!! How are you?" His father boomed in.

He was surpriced to see his father visit him, there might be some problem he wanted to talk about.

"Hey dad, I'm quite fine. What brings you here, is there a problem?"

His father suddenly had a nervous face after hearing what his son said. He sat on one of the chairs near Yukio's desk.

"*sigh* I have something very important to tell you,son." He paused as his son was listening very well to every word.

Did someone died? Or some stock sharers sell their shares without me noticing? Or we got bankrupted??!!
This thoughts swirled through Yukio's mind, it was panicking, but he tried to stay calm and poker face.

His father saw his reactions and giggled, that brought back Yukio from his struggles.

He pouted but laughed together with his father.

"Kidding aside" his father said, gradually stopping the laughs.
"I went here to inform you about. . . I mean. . .our family was invited to a big gathering, by the Katsuko's. Yeah. . .that's it." He gulped at the last part.

The Katsuko family is also one of the richest family in the country, and they were very close to the Yamasaki family. Both families had great history in keeping their wealth, they also had an agreement that someday, their heirs must be bonded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2019 ⏰

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