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Arisu kept walking. He wasnt going to give up this time.

Regret was the worst feeling you could ever experience, that was why he was determined to find Chishiya and talked to him before anything happened. He was not going to loose him like he did with everyone else. 

On the other hand, Chishiya was planning to focus on himself. He hurried to the rooftop and watched the chaos happen. Clouds of smoke soon raised up into the sky, making it almost impossible to see everything that was happening.

"Dont hide anymore you idiot!" Niragi burst the door open, kicking it with all his strength. He raised his gun in the air and started to shoot. 

Chishiya turned around, unbothered. He knew that Niragi didnt have the nerve to shoot him just like that without saying anything before. 

"Im not hiding. You are bad at seeking." 

Chishiya let out a small laugh, being cut off by Niragi's scream. 

"You useless brat!..We should just throw you in the fire. You were the one in the meeting room that day." Niragi made a pause and smirked, "Not only you though.." 

Chishiya raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"Yeah....Arisu was with you wasnt he?" 

"What if he was?" 

"You bastard!" 

Niragi shot directly at Chishiya, he quickly doged the bullet and ran to the other side. "You are like everyone else here." Chishiya took out the batch of cards hidden in his pocket. 

"Give them back!" Niragi ordered. "I will shoot you if you dont!" 

Chishiya raised his hands in the air, still holding the batch of cards. He could only think of two possible outcomes to this situation, he surrendered or he thought of something new. Both of them werent easy. 

He couldnt just give up though, someone was stuck in his mind and wouldnt go away unless he managed to speak to him. Arisu was really something. 

"Hurry!" Niragi hit the floor with the tip of his gun. Almost breaking it from how much strength he had. 

Chishiya sighed, he closed his eyes for a moment as he nodded and extended his arm. He started opening his eyes slowly, opening his fist and letting one card slip from the batch. He held his breath and stood still for a moment before running. 

He could feel Niragi's movement behind him, but right now it didnt matter. He raised his hand and threw all the cards into the air. Night had already fallen, the perfect white color of the cards stood out in the darkness. 

"I guess im going to find you Arisu." Chishiya whispered to himself. He sped up and turned around the corner. Leaving Niragi searching for him on the roof. 

"Have you seen...chishiya..Arisu, maybe Ann?" Kuina panted, she leaned against a column in order to catch her breath for a minute. She grabbed her knees and patted them. 

"No..." Usagi cleared her throat. "Although, there was this guy that looked like Arisu. He was heading towards the roof. But im sure he has already left." 

"Do you have something going on with Arisu?"


"Arisu and you." Kuina looked down. "Is there something going on?" 

"What makes you think it is the time to ask that?!" 

"Sorry..I just wanted to know."

"Its okay Kuina." Usagi opened her waterbottle, one single drop was left. She carefully drank it and wiped her mouth using her sleeve. "There is nothing going on." 

"I see." Kuina stood up properly and took out her plastic white straw. 

"Why did you ask-"

"Im looking out for Chishiya." Kuina looked up and smiled. "He trully loves, he adores Arisu." 

Usagi raised an eyebrow. "Them? They havent even had a proper conversation.." 

Kuina laughed nervously, she brushed it off by crossing her arms and walking away. "If you trully care for Arisu-" She stopped walking for a second and slightly turned her head around. "Help him. Make him come to his senses." 



Arisu crumled to the ground, he fell next to Usagi. Who was just about to leave. 

"Arisu! Where have you been?" 

Arisu looked up, his hair was all in his face and his cheeks all red. "You need to help me Usagi.." 

Usagi's eyes widened, she started stuttering trying to say something. But she was confused, what had happened? Why didnt he appear earlier? Why did she had to help Arisu? She looked at the window which was a couple meters away from them, then at her cellphone. 

20 minutes remaining. 

She kneeled down next to Arisu and hugged him. She missed having someone close to her, but knew it wouldnt last for more than a few minutes. "What happened?" She asked, her tone of voice was soft and calm. She brushed Arisu's hair and tucked it behind his ear. 

"I need to find Chishiya." He managed to say. 




Arisu grabbed Usagi's shoulder and used it to stand up. She quickly reacted and stood up in front of him. 

"We should go, he is pretty smart and will eventually get out of here.. why look for Chishiya now?" 

"I love-" Arisu looked at Usagi. "I love Chishiya." He whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2023 ⏰

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