Chapter 13 ~ Quidditch Plays and Patronuses

Start from the beginning

"I'll be careful," Y/n said wondering if Hogsmeade trips might get cancelled with Black roaming around closer. They already had a very close call, a few weeks ago. Y/n's eyes scanned over to the next page of The Daily Prophet, reading the headlines until one caught her attention. 'Malfoy family expands their empire with new business ventures,' it read. She felt a twinge of annoyance, but her curiosity compelled her to keep reading. As she continued to read, her expression grew more solemn. Another article detailed the Ministry of Magic's plans for new laws and regulations, ones that would give them more power and control over wizarding society.

Cedric chewed his toast and he turned to Y/n. "I've got it. The perfect Quidditch play to take down Slytherin."

Y/n's ears perked up as she faced him. "So, the key is to capitalize on our speed. We do everything we've come up with and we'll have you and Preece act as decoys to draw their Beaters away from me and Fleet. Once Heidi has the Quaffle, she'll fake out the Keeper by pretending to aim for the left hoop, and then at the last second. With any luck, we'll catch them off guard and score before they even realize what's happened."

Y/n listened intently, nodding along as Cedric outlined the details of the play. "That could work," she said, a grin spreading across her face. "But what if they catch on and start defending the right hoop?"

Cedric smiled, unfazed by the question. "That's where our beaters come in we'll have them use their bludgers to distract the Slytherin Chasers and prevent them from interfering. I've thought about it and everything you suggested sounds excellent. We'll use your proposed strategies with our attention to only one hoop or alternating. We'll play it during practice. And if all else fails, we can always fall back on our classic Wronski Feint." he said sarcastically at the end.

Y/n nodded, impressed "Sounds like a solid plan," she said. "Let's hope it works."

Cedric patted her shoulder, "You'll make a really good Quidditch Captain one day."

After breakfast, Y/n hurried into Transfigurations. There was a musty aroma that filled the classroom as Jack and Y/n sat together, their textbooks open to a page of questions. Their quills scratched away at the parchment in front of them. They were both bored out of their minds and had been passing notes back and forth in an attempt to stave off the tedium.

Jack whispered, "My parents sent over an owl this morning and they're expecting me to take over the family business after I graduate. We're only in our third year, and they're telling me to do this and that. What if I don't want to be in the family business?" Jack was often under a lot of pressure from his parents, and with such high expectations, it sometimes didn't seem feasible for him to do what they wanted.

McGonagall cleared her throat, "Mr Lowe, please return to your work. You can talk at the end of class."

Jack returned to his textbook and Y/n put her head down and worked her way through the questions. Moments later, Jack nudged her and slowly passed a piece of parchment to her.

Y/n looked up at McGonagall before taking the paper. It read, 'What should I do?' Y/n reached for a quill but it would be easier to just say it. "Look, I know you're parents can be tough on you. If you really can't say no to them, just write back and mention something about it briefly. You still have lots of time to figure it out. Your parents will understand eventually. Don't give up on what you want just because it's easier."

Jack nodded, looking grateful, and opened his mouth to say something else, but McGonagall's stern gaze silenced him.

Jack leaned in a few seconds later, "So, I'll just write about my days here, how it's been so busy and then say that I'll think about it." the two of them were deep in the conversation now, discussing different career paths.

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