Saving mommy

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Back with CJ, she kept on walking in the tunnel trying to not to get lost in them. It was very dark but she had her flashlight with her so it was no problem.

"Okay, this is new so not scary at all..." doing a nervous chuckled before a loud hiss spooked her.

"I'm good, I'm good, just keep going" CJ said to herself.

At the third turn, she found another hallway of the factory. She sigh in relief for finding a way out, CJ walked arou d more until she heard a weird sound.

"Hey what's that noise?"

"Aaaaaahhhhhh!!" CJ heard someone scream.

She ran to a room where she saw a someone in some kind of machine being grinded.

"Ah monster, but she is in trouble" CJ looked at the person, then at the lever.

"ANYONE! PLEASE HELP!! PLEASE HELP ME!!!" Called out the pink person.

"Don't worry I'll save you" CJ said before pulling the switch making the machine stop and shooting the person out then crashing into a wall.

"Kay that was too... oh no"

But stop as the pink thing came close to her.

"You... you.." it said.

CJ back into a croner.

"Don't hurt me!" CJ said scared.

"Why would mommy want to hurt you? You just saved me" mommy said.

"But, but.. what... you were going too..." CJ was very confused with what is happening. But the pink spider just giggled happily.

"No,I was going to give you a big hug, you've saved mommy from a terrible faith. I see you not quite ready for a hug just yet" Mommy said.

"Oh... Oohhh no, I'll love a hug, after walking in this terrible place" CJ said and mommy happily gave her a hug and so did CJ, which she loved it.

"I'm so happy to make a child happy" mommy joyfully said.

"Thank you, and why are you here this place is not so... happy" looking around.

"Well it is still my home dispite the... machinea" mommy said looking at the grinder.

"Yea, well that's okay"

"It has been more dangourse now a days"

CJ looked around and saw what could be the exit.

"Well that's okay, but right now maybe we should get out of here. And get you some help," CJ said looking at mommy's wounds.

"You really need some bandge, so come om I'll bring you back to place to help you" CJ said as she held onto Mommy's rubber hand.

"Oh to... to you place?" Mommy asks.

"Yea, come on, but slow and carefully cause your bot doing to good" CJ walked carefully through the hall.

"Mommy has never been to someone's place before".

"Yes, and I hope you, my friends won't freak out about.... this" CJ whispered as the two made their way to CJ's friends were at.

Save mommy and live happilyWhere stories live. Discover now