Part 1. Snow Sadness

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Akira smiled gracefully, the basket filled with coal as she smiled at the redhead in gratefulness and a warm comforting aura that could warm the snowy streets of the valley. Or could provide a thousand pieces of firewood for the entire village. 

"You never fail to impress me dear; these are tough times in the village for us, Coal becomes so scarce sometimes it is so bothersome, can't even send Y/n out nowadays," Akira told the last part with a tint of sadness.

Tanjiro offered a gentle gaze toward Akira, "Please come home for dinner, Y/n is testing out some of her culinary skills it's the least I can do to repay you." Akira was hoping sincerely she could show some gratefulness towards the redhead. 

"Won't it be very bothersome? And I should go back my family is waiting for me." Tanjiro politely refused. 

Tanjiro suddenly noticed the grave worried look that was plastered across Akira's face. 

"Don't go at night, just take some rest at our home listen dear, it's not safe." 

The stern but gentle voice made Tanjiro rethink his choice of going back at night, so he allowed Akira to lead the way back to her home. 


The aroma waffled through the entire house and moved to the next doors as well making anyone crave for the food. You tasted the curry which was just heating up feeling the tingly refreshing taste you turned to the window your breath heaving a sign of relief, noticing Akira back safely and a boy who you met a couple of times who would come in the winters to sell coal. Getting another plate ready you arranged the table and set three glasses of water, you were not planing to make desert but since Akira had brought a guest you cooked a apple pie. It was actually your signature dish. 

You pulled open the door warmly welcoming them, "Thank God you are safe! Tanjiro welcome back your just in time for dinner." 

"Thanks a lot Y/n" Tanjiro politely bowed respectfully, you chuckled at his formal behaviour. 

"There's no need for that I'm glad you agreed to join us for dinner." You warmly greeted Tanjiro, who felt at home. 

"I just need a few minutes why don't you both go freshen up while I clear up the kitchen a bit." 

Akira smiled gratefully, "The market was very busy thank you Y/n." 

You got the kitchen cleaned up in a hour. Seeing Tanjiro and Akira come over, you all sat down your legs felt a breath of relief and it felt good after working today. 

Both of them seemed to enjoy the homemade food, "How is Nezuko Tanjiro?" You asked smiling, Tanjiro smiled at the regular question you asked whenever he came. 

"She is busy helping around, she asked me to tell her how you were doing." Tanjiro said softly. 

"I don't go out much, I help around the house and Akira here goes to the market to set food on the table." You smiled. 

"Does it become too hard here?... I'm so sorry, Was that a very blunt question?" Tanjiro asked suddenly with worry. 

"No..." Akira chuckled covering her mouth, Then looked out the window, "But yes... I think it sometimes becomes a Hassel last year a few errands were done good so the winter isn't  to hard on us this time." Akira said. 

Then Akira looked towards Tanjiro, "I hope everything is okay over the mountains Tanjiro." 

"Speaking of mountains, do you know the dangers?" You softly asked eyes with a little bit of fear. 

"Dangers?" Tanjiro asked. 

"The elders here sometimes belive there is something lurking around these forests." Akira matched your concern in her tone. 

"How very frightening." You added. 

"Something lurking the forests?" Tanjiro questioned in curiosity. 

"I mean they said it was only a rumor, but from what I have heard there demons feasting on people. They roam during the night, they call it the night eaters." You said your eyes half closed. 

"Yeah but it is only a rumor right?" Tanjiro said, convincing himself. 

"I really hope so..." You said. 

Akira and Tanjiro's rooms had no lights and the light in the drawing room had been turned of. You stared at the washed plate then towards your diary, 

Dear Diary, 

It is 2 am in the morning and I am not able to fall asleep. I hear noises outside and I woke up to a shrill squeak and everything was knocked dead quiet. I feel this uneasy chill that I know is not the winter this chill is empty, and is sending tingles mixing in my stomach. My instincts are telling me to get Tanjiro and Akira and go from here. Everything is screaming, even now my hands feel so sweaty. And I know I should run. 

Something is going to happen, something is going to happen that I won't be able to anticipate. 


You stayed awake the entire night constantly checking on Akira and Tanjiro checking the doors if everything was closed finally you managed to fall asleep in the couch for a few hours before you woke up in the break of dawn, a thin sheet was drapped around you and cold sweat. You were lying on the hard concrete floor on the basement. 

You got up in a panic, were you in the basement? The fright took over you and heart was racing across your body. Your breathing became raged and troubled. 

"Akira, Tanjiro" you whispered following the dazed crimson leaks of blood and your legs which could lose their balance anytime. 

Your home was completely shattered, "Akira! Where are you?" You bellowed. "Akira!" 

You searched around the entire house. Akira was buried underneath the weight of bricks, cement and a horrible stench she passed along the night. 

"Akira! Akira!" You screamed removing the materials. 

You moved in daze burying the dead body of your sister you turned around expecting she would come over to you and smile and eat your dinner complimenting it. Everything you did was in a daze or nightmare. 

While paying your respects you noticed Tanjiro was not there, and then you gasped the panic laden breathing started as you tore through the forests navigating your way towards Tanjiro's home he has to be alright he has to. The possibility that he might die, Nezuko was there her siblings. Your breathing was tired your legs bruised and dirty your mind not in its place. 

Maybe it was your panic that made you run exceptionally fast in a few hours you reached and saw Tanjiro he looked so much in devastation. 

"Tanjiro!" You said in relief and panic, you automatically threw your arms around him, "Thank God... Heavens your alright!" 

"Y/n... What happened why did you?" His kind question had a pained tone. 

"I should've trusted it I'm very sorry Tanjiro if I listened to it then--" You broked down in devastation, Tanjiro noticed how pained you look like him. your feet are bruised you came all this way just to make sure I was okay. Tanjiro thought. 

"Akira is no more.... All I can say is sorry Tanjiro...." You grieved. 

Tanjiro felt for you, he could see you blamed yourself, not for your loss but for his as well. 

Tanjiro took your shoulder, and smiled. "Y/n, there is time to get out safely, Nezuko is still alive I will try my best to protect you along with Nezuko." 

You got up and looked at Tanjiro, "I will to..." You told sincerely. 

Tanjiro brought Nezuko who was unconscious you slowly reached to her and stroked her hair, suddenly you felt something very wrong Nezuko did not feel like Nezuko. 

"I know a route which can get us out here faster." You said your bare foot touched the snow only now did you realize how cold the snow was, it had turned pink and numb with the ache, but you continued moving getting out of here was the only thing in your mind.

The Warmest Nights//Demon Slayer//Giyu Tomioka X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now