Shawn begins to explore his options as Angela puts on a Poker face 🎭

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Narrator: Cory and Topanga, as well as the entire college, were shocked to hear Shawn and Angela broke up 💔 Girls at the college were already throwing themselves on Shawn when they found out he was single. Shawn was loving all attention, but he couldn't help but still have feelings for Angela. On the other hand, Angela is hearing all over campus with girls' thirst for Shawn. Angela, though hurt by the break-up, has to put her pride and self-respect first.

Shawn to Cory: Man, this is great. No more relationship responsibilities, just acting like a typical college guy having girls wanting to sleep with you

Cory: Shawn, are you sure this is what you want? You and Angela just broke up 💔 yet you're just ready to entertain any chick on campus

Shawn: Cory, Please! At the end of the day, Angela & I agreed to go our separate ways. There are no hard feelings between us. We're still friends.

Cory: Yeah, but they way you and Angela were together. I never saw you like that with any other girl before Angela, and I don't think we'll see it after her either.

Narrator: Shawn paused for a second when Cory said that.

Shawn: Cory, you're thinking, too deep into this. You're acting as if Angela and I are like "written in the stars" meant to be. People break up all the time. Not everyone is going to have a relationship like you and Topanga. Drop it seriously 😤

Cory: Ok fine 👌 enjoy life creating soul ties with any chick life on campus

Narrator: Shawn rolls his eyes and walks away to speak to a group of girls sitting at lunch at the dining hall. Cory can't help but think about Angela and how she's feeling 😔 At this moment, Topanga and Angela are having a conversation in Angela's room about the break-up

Topanga: Hey Ang, just know you can always vent about Shawn to me. You're still my bestie even though you and Shawn aren't together

Angela: Of course! I don't expect you to not be friends with Shawn just because we're not together. At the end of the day, you and Cory knew Shawn way before I ever came into the picture

Topanga: I know, but just because I know Shawn longer doesn't mean I have blind loyalty to him. How are you feeling since the break-up

Narrator: Angela knew deep down she felt sad about the break-up but didn't want Topanga to know about it.

Angela: I feel OK. I mean, break-ups are not meant to be rainbows and butterflies, but it's digestible

Topanga: Ok. But just remember, if you ever need to talk, I'm always here for you.

Angela: Thanks, Topanga 😊

Narrator: They hug it out. Angela goes out of her dorm to get some food from the dining hall, and there she sees Shawn entertaining other girls there. Angela was definitely hurt seeing Shawn move on so quickly, but she knew she couldn't be seen looking like she cared, so she made sure not to look in Shawn's direction but made sure Shawn saw her. Shawn noticed Angela getting food and immediately removed his arm around one of the girls he was entertaining.

Shawn And Angela's Revisionist Makeup HistoryWhere stories live. Discover now