Chapter One

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She took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose. The words were shifting out of place, probably the result of the full aching pain in her head. She sighed and got up to get a glass of water. In the break room all her coworkers gathered to talk about the plan for tonight. No one noticed her, as usual, and she was not invited, as usual. She took small sips of her water while eavesdropping on their conversation.

“We should try out that new bar in town! I heard that they have live music tonight.” Emily said.

“That sounds great. If they aren’t open then we can all head to my place. I just got a puppy and I am dying for you all to meet him. Here I have pictures!” Damien commented as he showed them pictures of his puppy. 

Kristi left the breakroom and returned to her computer. 

“Only one more hour.” She muttered. Time went by faster when she had something to preoccupy her time. Doing repetitive tasks made the days go by faster. Her twenties was fading into her thirties and whenever she scrolled through instagram she would always see someone from her highschool getting married, or posting pictures of their children. She envied them, well, not the children. 

By the time she returned home her eyes felt heavy and she didn’t want to think about anything. She threw herself onto the bed and halfheartedly grabbed a blanket and threw it over herself.

“It seems like you wish to change the course of your life. I can help you.” a disembodied voice echoed. “See, I have a bit of a problem. The-"

Kristi cut the voice off "Done. I will do anything."

"Then it is settled." The voice said calmly.

Kristi woke up like normal, but something felt different. Maybe it was something in the air, or maybe she was just crazy. She shook it off and went to work. She worked up until her lunch break and went into the break room. She sat at the far table and listened to her coworkers until Damien walked over to her.

"Kristi, what are you doing? Come sit with us silly." He chuckled. 

Kristi had to pinch herself to see if she was dreaming. Nope, it was definitely real. 

"Hey Kristi, we're all getting drinks at the new bar after work. You should come with us!" Emily exclaimed.

"Oh my god yes! That would be so fun." Alex said.

Kristi was too stunned to respond. Yesterday she was a nobody, but suddenly she was popular. She remembered the dream. No, it couldn't be. That was just a dream. She thought to herself.

"Well what do you say?" Emily asked with a smile on her face, bringing Kristi back to earth.

"Sure." Kristi stammered.

"Great! You'll get to meet the bartender! They're amazing." Damien chimed in.

"Hopefully they'll do some bar tricks tonight." Alex said. Suddenly a timer went off. "Aww buzzkill. Break is over." They sighed.

"See you tonight Kristi!" Emily said.

The day went by faster than usual. Then it was the end of the day. She started to walk out of the office when Emily ran over to her.

"Hey Kristi!" She yelled. "Hey sorry I completely forgot to give you directions. Here put your number in my phone." Kristi put her number in Emily's phone. "Cool! And sent. Oh! I can also add you to the group chat. See you soon!"

Kristi was stunned. This was the first time someone other than her family wanted her number. She was excited but also scared. What if this was all just a cruel prank on her. What if she got there and no one was there. There was only one way to find out. Against her better judgment she left to go to the bar. When she walked in Alex instantly waved to her. The night went by fast and before she knew it she was unlocking the door to her apartment. She went inside and b-lined for her bedroom, but when she entered she found someone inside.

Contracted, the story of an outcast, and an incubusWhere stories live. Discover now