Act I: Rules Change

Start from the beginning

Although I'm not sure how much of the laughing type he is. It's no wonder he's here now because his brain is clearly good at taking a step back  and assessing the situation.

"I've tried to gather some of my best intelligence men to help you, the ones that wouldn't be starstruck anyways, this is who we're stuck with," says the Colonel. "Three of my covert tactical men will be going with you to the Capitol, the rest of us in this room are here to help you with your briefing and planning."

"If all goes according to plan you should arrive at the Capitol Deleguarta Train Station at 1900 hours Central-Western time. There you'll meet with two Capitol-based Peacekeepers. One of them will be in plain clothes disguised as an assistant. If anyone asks, they were sent by your manager, Plutarch Heavansbee, to help you get ready for an appearance. The rest will be in uniform and part of your escort. Any questions so far?"

"No, Sir."

"Good moving on. You'll be escorted to the grand casino hotel and up into room 2233 where you'll meet with another civilian agent who's undercover as a stylist, you'll know which one they are because she'll tell you the code phrase, 'sometimes I really do feel like an elephant'."

I smirked slightly. "Well, there's no chance anyone's accidentally saying that."

"As is the point, Miss Jones." I want to narrow my eyes and tell him that's why I made the joke in the first place, but humor isn't exactly a grizzled Peacekeepers known strong suit. Although I do look around the table and see that my joke has at least caused a few of the men to have to hold back grins.

"From there you'll be picked up by another Capitol agent disguised as your date for the evening. He'll further inform you on the description and nature of your target or targets, and the nature of your playing field. Although adapting to new playing fields is one of your strengths, I'm sure."

"As long as it's not a giant dusty arena again I think I'll be good." I clear my throat and add, "Colonel."

"Right, well, any questions Miss Jones, or any of my people going on this mission for that matter?"

I have a million questions though I'm not sure the Colonel would be helpful in answering any of them. Telling us only what's going to happen prior to whatever event we're being paraded off to feels like entering a tube to take you up to an arena while you have no idea what kind of terrain and dangerous horrors await you. 

But it's not me who speaks up with the question. it's Officer Ast. "And what are we supposed to do Sir?"

"Stay with the victor until someone inside the mission tells you not to."

Much to my surprise, Aleksander Ast nearly scoffs. "I really don't like flying in blind to a situation, Colonel. I'd like to know more about what is expected of us when we arrive."

"Like I said Officer, further details will be provided to you once you connect with the agents in the Capitol. This is a highly compartmentalized operation. No single person, save whoever is at the top, knows exactly what every piece is doing."

I find it interesting to note that the Colonel clearly has no idea who's running this mission. Something that I have over him perhaps? Even if it's someone else doling out the work, it's clearly Plutarch at the top of this ladder. But the Colonel thinks he's only my manager.

Wanting to take the heat off of Aleksander who's currently being singled out, I decide to open my mouth, "So you had me come all the way here to tell me that I'm going to get on a train, and then I'm going to get off the train and go to a hotel?"

The Colonel looks like he wants to yell but realizes it's me who asked him the question and not one of his subordinates and makes sure his voice is steady and calm, "I must confess as far as I'm aware the reason we needed to bring you here is that you cannot be seen interacting with these Peacekeepers in public. Public space include the train which, as you know, is monitored and the material surrounding this mission is far above the clearance of any basic surveillance monitoring officer."

Our Love Could Be Lethal Act I Re-WriteWhere stories live. Discover now