Chapter 17: Brat Activity

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Cws: involuntary regression kinda

  Tapping his pen on the desk, Kaminari allows his eyes to wander. Mathematics was such a loathsome, headache-inducing class. He'd rather be watching paint dry. And what wasn't helping was his creeping littlespace, causing his attention to differ more than usual. How is a seven year old meant to understand trigonometry? He'd be more anxious and apprehensive about regressing if Bakugo wasn't sitting a few seats across from him. Well, Katsuki still isn't his first choice when it comes to a possible caregiver - of course, that title would be awarded to Kirishima - but he's accepting at the very least.

  Kaminari swings his legs and stares out of the window, daydreaming. It's final period, which happens to be the only truly positive thing he can think of.
  He fidgets about in his seat as the minutes tick by. He's never been stellar at concentrating. He doodles dogs on his paper, and tries to lick his own nose. It's in the middle of this impossible activity that the teacher notices his bizarre antics.
  "Kaminari, stop messing around and pay attention. Nobody needs to see your tongue." They scold, peering back down at their laptop screen, and gesturing vaguely at some formula on the board. Denki's face goes red, and he rests his chin on the desk. He meets eyes with Bakugo, the boy now twisted in his seat to look at him. He mouths "The fuck are you doing?" and Denki buries his face in his hands.

  Nobody likes it when he's silly. It upsets him because all he wants to do is play. There's nothing fun about slouching at an uncomfortable desk, scribbling about the pythagoras theorem, or whatever he's supposed to be doing. He walks his fingers over the desk and hums to himself, unaware the rest of the class is now completing a question on the board.
  "How many times do I have to tell you?" The teacher is looming over him, arms crossed. Denki sticks his finger in his mouth, and frowns at his paper. What do they want him to do? He's done all of the work on the sheet…

  "There." The teacher points at the board, forehead creased. Denki withdraws his finger from his mouth, a string of saliva following it.
  "Okay! Sorry, I didn't understand!" He blabs, a little too loudly. The teacher tuts, hands him a tissue, and struts back to the front of the class. Denki writes up his answer, using his fingers to count. The teacher starts to explain it to the class as everyone else has already complete it. Kami squeezes his pen. He wasn't done yet! And with the teacher's talking, he can't properly focus on counting. He kicks the desk and grumbles, a few people passively glancing at him. It's not fair. He was trying to do as he was told but nobody ever gets it.
  He's about to blurt out to the teacher, telling them to wait, when the class is dismissed. The explanation is already over, and now everyone is grabbing their bags. He blinks down at his answer. He didn't even get it right; he wasn't even close.

  "Stupid." He huffs quietly, standing up and glaring at his incorrect answer. He stuffs his book back into his bag, and kicks his chair into the desk. Stupid work, stupid school, stupid uncomfy chair…
  "Damn, why are you acting like this?" Bakugo swings in beside him and slings Kaminari's bag onto his shoulder for him. Denki spins around to face him, and pouts. He's supposed to talk through his feelings, not throw a fit. Easier said than done.
  "Maths' so dumb!" He argues. Katsuki snorts, eyebrow raising. In a lowered voice he asks:
  "This isn't regular Kaminari, right?"

  The question didn't exactly make sense to him, with Denki grasping Bakugo's arm, and bouncing up and down. "Dunno... I wanna play with Daddy!" He whines back. By now, most people have left, and the teacher is eyeing the two with a stoney, exhausted expression, awaiting their exit. Katsuki blushes slightly with embarrassment.
  "Uh, yeah, right. Kirishima will probably be okay with that." He says, guiding the boy out of the classroom and down the hallway. He chuckles to himself. "Can't get over the fact he let's you call him that."
  "Why?" Denki asks, confused. It seemed like something normal to him. Bakugo shrugs, the two breaking away from a crowd. Kirishima is within view.
  "Shit, I don't know. Just a funny word." Bakugo mutters, clearly regretting starting this conversation. Denki rips away from him, and comes to a halt. This day only appears to be worsening.
  "Why can't I call him that?" His voice is becoming wobbly. Is Katsuki trying to say that Kirishima doesn't like it? Or maybe that Kiri doesn't actually want to look after him? But that can't be true! Kirishima said he loved him just the other day! Bakugo turns to him.

"I don't know. He's not your real dad. It was meant to be a joke." Katsuki groans, running a hand through his spiky hair. Kaminari pouts again.
  "Jokes are supposed to be funny." He says. Katsuki stalks over, and snatches the little's hand, dragging him along.
  "Someone's real fuckin' moody." He sniggers. Denki's lip trembles, but Bakugo's holding his hand too tightly for him to pull away. The teasing comment only makes Kami slip further into littlespace. Katsuki takes another look at Denki's scrunched up, pouty expression, and smirks in amusement. Temper tantrum initiated.
  "Shut up, stinky!" Denki protests, attempting again to wriggle his hand out of Bakugo's grasp. Katsuki simply rolls his eyes.
  "Kami, the sooner you shut up, the sooner you can play."
  "You're a butt head, let go!"

  "If I let you go, you'll probably run off and trip over, and smack your face into the floor, or some other stupid shit. No, I'm not letting you go." Katsuki replies. Kaminari stumbles along. He spots Kirishima, and starts wildly waving at him even though the boy's back is turned, and he's staring at his phone.
  "You're mean!" Kami angrily kicks a stone across the path.
  "And you're a little boy that seriously needs a damn nap." Whilst Bakugo's language is usual, there's an edge of patronising tone in it. It does something odd; something Kaminari hasn't previously experienced. It decreases his age, and Kaminari starts slipping from the manageable, socially coherent seven to the much less graceful age of…

A/N: Another two part chapter, mwahaha minor cliffhanger, no you don't get to know what age he slips to till the next chapter >:] okay, but there is obviously no worse, more painful insult than "butt head"

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