~chapter four~

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I woke up to a loud buzzing noise coming from my bedside table. Goddamn it. It was 5:20 I was going to be late for work. I knew I would have to get up and get ready pretty quickly so there was absolutely no time to mess about. Rapidly, I ran into the shower, trying to be as fast as I could.

I had just finished putting on my clothes, about to do my casual makeup look today, when I heard my phone ring. It was Lorenzo. Lorenzo was my best friend, he worked in the same place as I did. Fleur's Fantasia. I know. It was a weird name for a sex counseling agency but I never judged it.

I gently picked up the phone, answering with a soft voice. ' Hey, Enzo. Is everything okay?'

'Yeah, we just need you to come in because one of our other colleagues called in sick and we dont have anybody to cover for her.' Ah shit. 'Okay, I will be in at six o'clock then.' I said calmly, trying not to show my aggravations through my voice.

I rushed to the office to inform Mr Malfoy of my absence today but once I had checked in, he wasn't there. I walked back over to the front desk and told Elsie to pass the message of me not being able to come to work today on to Mr Malfoy.

Once I had spoken to Elsie, I stepped back into the drivers seat of my arctic white Nissan Duke and drove to Fleur's Fantasia.

As I walked into the building, I was greeted by a warm smile from Lorenzo and a little wink. On my way to my office I noticed a letter on my door (as always) from my client.

Dear councillor,
I am having problems with women satisfying my sexual needs. Could you please help me find ways to satisfy myself as I don't think I have found the right person to do it for me?

I walked into the office with a smile on my face, but that smile quickly dropped when I saw my boss,

Mr. Malfoy

A/N: Hello, guys, I took a long break after I got back from my holiday and I just recently came back to writing but I have been reading so I just thought I would come back and continue Mafia's Girl. Love y'all sm.

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