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Now that she had his family's seal of approval, Tory and Robby were rarely apart; Tory and The Cobras coincidently ended up playing a lot of the same venues on the same nights, if they weren't deliberately playing joint headlining shows.

(Keith Urban = Robby, Carrie Underwood = Tory)

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Then, Robby had to pass Tory's loved one's approval. She still wasn't speaking to her father but her younger brother, Brandon, and best friends, Kyler and Piper came out to California to see her.

Brandon loved Robby immediately and he especially loved the tour of Silicon Valley he and Hawk took him on to see Hawk's childhood best friend, Demetri, at work.

The first words out of Piper's mouth to Tory were "He's hot. I'm gay, but he's hot."

Kyler's brash nature and unfiltered mouth was a surprise to Tory's new friends and he almost got off on the wrong foot with Robby and Hawk but Tory explained to them how Kyler helped her out a lot back home with money when her dad cut her off, and basically being her roadie for gigs, so he gave the Asian American another chance.

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Sadly, Robby and his family got some upsetting news a few weeks later. Johnny's bandmate, Tommy, had been diagnosed with end-stage cancer.

While the old rocker had accepted that he was going to die, he didn't want to stop living and convinced his band members to reunite for a benefit concert.

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Johnny invited The Cobras and Tory to perform at it, while the band was excited (after Johnny promised Robby no preferential treatment), Tory wanted some time to think about it as the subject reminded her of her mom's death many years ago.

Eventually, Robby and Johnny convinced her to participate for the healing power of music.

At the rehearsal, the other Eagle Fang members overheard Tory practicing and were amazed at her talent of blending the two genres together.

"How does this girl not have a record deal?" Jimmy questioned.
"She doesn't have a lane. Which I love!" Johnny told them.

Later on, Bobby was passing by when he heard a gentle piano melody and the occasional hum. Curiosity got the better of him and he crept into the practice room.

"That's a beautiful melody." He said causing Tory to jump in fright. "Oh, God!... Uh, thanks. I wrote it when my mom died."
"Does it have lyrics?" He asked. Tory nodded almost imperceptibly. "Can a hear it? Just a little?"

Once she started she couldn't stop and once she was finished all Bobby could say was "Wow." Tory dried tears she didn't know she cried. "Yeah, I thought that part was difficult, then my dad and I had to explain to my little brother what had happened."
"How'd you do that?"
"You're a priest now, right?"
"Pastor, Johnny, pastor." He corrected/complained at his best friend for getting his job title wrong again.
"Same thing. Anyway, you know how families give you details to say in the eulogy?"
"My dad told the priest about one time we went to Disney World and how mom spent ages researching and writing down all of the best things she wanted us to show us. I kind of got the idea in the middle of the service, is that bad?"
"Not for people like us." Bobby told her with a smile. "So, what's the song called?"
"Show Me Around." Tory said beginning to play the opening notes.

(A/n: just shamelessly plugging my own video from the time I saw Carly Pearce live 🤣)

"Again, wow." Bobby breathed out at the end. "Are you practicing them for the show?"
"No. Just, all of this made me think of her. Besides I don't think they're appropriate for a festival of hundreds of thousands of people."
"I think they are."

The Cobras: A Cobra Kai Music AUWhere stories live. Discover now