" Well imma going to get Kianna ready" she said walking upstairs.

Since Sincere and I was already ready I had him in my lap playing with his monkey toy as we waited.

My mind shifted to the last time I seen him which was Christmas.

The look on his face showed happiness since he had all his kids together.

" Mommy we go to ca?" I heard Kianna soft voice asked.

" yes baby"

We all got ready getting into the car.

It was a silent ride besides Kianna trying to talk.

It did not take us long to get through the downtown hospital.

" Hey mama we here" Sierra said over on the phone.

I followed behind her while Kianna held my hand trying to touch everything in sight.

" Hey y'all" my mom  said one she saw us.

" Hey how is everything going" I asked him.

Her face said it all.

" It's not looking good. . . . the doctor were originally hopeful of any signs when he first came in but they haven't seen any signs of improvement"

" Oh noo that's so sad" Sierra

" Where are the kids ?"

" They are in the room with him"

" Ju why don't you go in there and be supportive . . . they are going to need you" My mom said.

" Yes please go be there for them" Sierra added.

I took a sigh before speaking.

" Aight"

I walked to the designated room he was in.

Just from the window I saw Jamaya laying her head on Jamis shoulder.

It was just them two.

I slowly walked in seeing James with tubes that was supporting him to stay alive.

" He can't leave us like this" I heard Jamaya say lowly.

I looked over seeing her eyes teary with pain.

Jamis just sat quiet staring at James.

They both looked hurt.

" How long have y'all been here"

" Since 5 o'clock"

It was now 7:30 when we got here.

" Every thing was fine before . . . I went into his room check on him and he d-didnt respond to me that's when I got Jamis to call 911"

" I just want my daddy to be okay"  Jamaya said rubbing her eyes.

" Imm go get some water" she said walking out.

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