(Y/n) walks in after, she also has twigs in her hair. "Hey, brother and sister! Want any of this leftover pizza? It's got glitter on it!" Mabel asked. "Mabel, last night an owl tried to eat my tongue." (Y/n) said. "Ha ha! That's great!" Mabel said. This pissed (Y/n) off. She gets up from her bed. 'No, it's not great! You and your friends are impossible to live with!" She shouted. "What? I'm delightful to live with! Besides, I thought you liked some of the things we do!" Mabel protested. "Don't get me wrong Mabel, I like dressing up, and I do like some other girly things, but I don't like the way you and your friends do it. Whenever your friends have given me a makeover I look as if a box of crayons have thrown up on me!" (Y/n) said. "That's not true, you like beautiful when they do your makeup. Maybe this fun stick will change your mind. 

 Get ready to be poked by the fun stick! Boop!" Mabel takes a stick and pokes (Y/n) with it. She slaps it out of Mabel's hand. "Mabel, I've had it with the fun stick! You've totally wrecked our room. And-" Dipper gasps. "Oh no! Our mini-golf course!" He said. "Heh heh heh, yeah. Grenda sure loves breaking things." Mabel said. "Mabel, we need to lay down some ground rules if we're gonna be living in this room together. First of all, no sleepovers." Dipper said. "What?! Well if I can't have sleepovers, then you can't keep me up every night with your summer reading." Mabel said. "How does reading keep you up?" Dipper asked. (Y/n) had to roll her eyes for that one.


Dipper gasps. " Ooh... heh heh heh... interesting... but who stole the capers?" Dipper  clicks the pen several times. "Grr...!" Mabel puts her pillow over her head and so does (Y/n).

~back to the present~

"Well then (Y/n) can't stay up all night watching movies and keeping me awake!" Dipper shouted. "What?! I use my headphones for that! How does that keep you up?" (Y/n) asked. "Really?" Dipper asked sarcastically.


(Y/n) laughs while watching one of her favorite movies on her tablet, which was hidden under her covers, but some of the light still shined through. "Ugh!" Dipper groaned and turned to the other side, pulling his covers up more.

~back to the present~

"Well, at least my braces don't whistle when I breathe." Dipper said. "At least I wash my clothes once in a while." Mabel picks up a pair of underwear with the fun stick. "Washing clothes is a waste of time, I'm a busy guy!" Dipper said. "It's not a waste of time, its important for your hygiene." (Y/n) scolded. "You really think I care about that, (Y/n)?" Dipper snapped. "Meow meow meow meow meow!" Mabel mocked. "Alright if you meow one more time-" (Y/n) warned.  "Meow meow meow!" Mabel said. "Okay, that's it! That's the final straw! Maybe we shouldn't share a room anymore." (Y/n) said. "Wah...uh...well maybe we shouldn't!" Mabel shouted. "Fine by me!" Dipper said. "And me!" (Y/n) said. 

"Triple fine by me!" Mabel said. "Then we need to talk to Grunkle Stan about moving rooms." Dipper said. "Yeah. He's a reasonable guy." Mabel said. "You think so?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. Stan is watching a show with two guys pushing each other. "Fight, fight, fight!" He changes the channel to a station that has two deer fighting each other. "Fight, fight, fight!" He then changes the channel again to a station airing Baby Fights. "Fight, fight, fight!" One baby is poked with a stick and the two begin slapping each other. "Baby fights!" The announcer said. "T.V. It knows what I want." Stan said. "Grunkle Stan, we want different rooms." (Y/n) said. "Ha! And I want a pair of magic money pants. It's not gonna happen." Stan said.

"Magic money pants...?" Mabel asked. "Come on, Grunkle Stan. Can't we work something out?" Dipper asked. "Look kid, there's my room and the attic. That's it. What do you think, there's some kinda "secret hidden room" in the Shack?" Stan asked. A very loud crash is heard. " Dudes! I found some kind of secret hidden room in the Shack!" Soos said. (Y/n), Dipper and Mabel grin at each other. All of them look at Soos with a door. "Okay, so I was cleaning up behind this bookcase when boom! Mystery door! 

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