Silly-looking man: Haaaaa... Ain't nothin' better than good sashimi to open up the mornin', ya know what I'm sayin'?

Robber 1: Who are you? You blind? This is a robbery, grandpa.

Silly-looking man: Grandpa? I'm only 28 years old, pal. (looks at his own body) Does my skin already peerin' off?

Robber 2: Ya deaf, too? Seizel said that THIS IS A ROBBERY!

Silly-looking man: Yeah-yeah, sure. Look, can I just go over to the counter and withdraw some money?

Robber 1: Oh, you won't have any money after we steal it!

Silly-looking man: So you're stealin'. Heh. Hehe. HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAA! Oh, what a coincidence. I was really lookin' for new toys for me and my boys to play with.

Bank clerk: Sir, please, this is dangerous.

Robber 2: Shut it, woman! Hey, old man! You better cut it out, or we're gonna shoot your ass outta here!

Silly-looking but menacing man: (changes to cold tone) But I already told ya I'm only 28. Don't that mean you're the deaf ones?

Robber 1: What?!

The man smiled devilishly and nodded to signal the robbers that something was behind them. The robbers turned their heads around, but before they could get a clear look, they got punched and knocked to the ground, which also knocked their weapons back. Still lying on the ground, they turned their heads around to see a group of fancy but menacing-looking men wearing suits; some even had shades.

The robbers were now terrified.

Silly-looking man: (bows) Sorry on my account for makin' a scene here. We'll take this outside.

Bank clerk: But, sir, we should still call the police or the Powerpuff Girls to deal with them.

Silly-looking but menacing man: All due respect, miss, if ya were to do that, those robbers could've been on vacation in Hawaii and the Bahamas. Don't worry; you don't need to call anyone; we'll take care of everythin' here.

The man looked at the robbers, and they at him; He was devilishly smiling while they were terrified. The camera cut to the bank's back alley, and the door busted open with the robbers flying out before landing on the ground. They crawled to the nearest wall, and the menacing group of men came out from the door, including the man from before.

They circled the robbers with no chance of escape.

Robber 1: Who-Who are you, people?!

Silly-looking but menacing man: Oh, we're just a group of people that don't want crime goin' on in this city. Really nice peaceful guys.

Robber 2: Bullshit! Your boys look like guerillas!

Silly-looking but menacing man: Thank you. They eat lots'a protein (pause. cold tone) and beat the shit outta street trash like you.

Robber 1: P-Please! Let us go! We won't do any more crime! I swear!

Robber 2: Yeah, swear!

The Powerpuff Girls - A Rowdy SequelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora