«What did daddy Tomlinson say Harry?" Niall asked as Harry had found his friends in the huge cafeteria, that was now being filled by the scary second and third year students.

"Daddy? He is a father?" Harry asked innocently, not knowing how the term often are used for dominants. Niall and Liam choked on their drinks and let out a loud laugh.

"How come you are so innocent Harry?" Niall laughed, Harry cuddled into his side in insecureness. He didn't like that he was so innocent and didn't know as much as his friends, but at the same time he didn't want to learn more finding it all too dirty.

"Anyways what did he want?" Liam asked again wanting answers to the question. They had discussed the topic 'dominant and submissive' before and all agreed that two things were for sure 1) Harry was a submissive, and 2) Liam was the most dominant out of them. Niall would basically say: as long as I have a partner that likes to eat, I'm fine.

"He just told me that if I need him then he is there for me"

"But you are already needing him, badly. Just remember what happened in the bathroom" both boys reminded their friend. Harry rolled his eyes at them and continued to eat small bites of his food, not really being hungry, just tired and longing to go home and sleep.

"Okay everyone, last lesson of the day, history" Zayn told the class, who seemed to be worn out by the other teachers. And if you asked Harry, Niall, and Liam the teachers thought would be correct. While social studies with Sarah was fun, science with Mr. Howard and P.E. with Mr. Cooper was the most boring and exhausting thing they have experienced in ages.

"What are we going to learn in this class Mr. Malik?" Liam asked not raising his hand, which made Zayn raise his eyebrow at him. Liam could've sunk down in his seat by the strict stare the teacher was giving.

"We raise our hands if we want to speak. It's okay this once Mr. Payne, once more and you got yourself a detention with Mr. Tomlinson" Zayn spoke out, and then moved on to teaching the class.

"Then Harry you know how you can spend some more time with Tommo the tease" Liam whispered into his friends ears, but he knew Harry was too much of an angel to actually do something that would be bad enough to get a detention. Most of all Harry would definitely avoid it when he knew it would be with Mr. Tomlinson.

"Who knows when the French revolution started?" Zayn asked, hoping someone at least had a guess, but compared to sex ed there were no raised hands. The seconds ticked, and Harry felt bad for the teacher and slowly raised his hand.

"Mr. Styles, do you have an idea about when it was?"

"1789-1799" Harry answered, knowing he knew this answer, he just basically wasn't the one who would raise his hand in class because he was too shy, insecure, and afraid to be bullied if he got the answer wrong.

"Very well" Zayn told his student and continued telling them about which topics he would teach them in year one. When the clock had reached 3:30 p.m. the bell rang and the students got ready to leave the classroom, and finally the school.

"I have to pee really bad. Can you guys wait for me?" Harry asked his friends, who of course had no problem waiting for him. Harry walked inside the bathroom and was shocked to see a gang of boys using spray boxes to paint the walls of the bathroom. This can't be legal after the school rules Harry thought, and decided it was better if he left.

"Not so fast curly" one of the higher men in the gang roughly spoke and grabbed his arm.

"I wanna go" Harry let out of his mouth, but the boys, likely third years, just laughed at him as he was a little baby. Harry let a tear slip from his eyes.

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