Princess- Jake(smut)

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An// it's so long... I'm so sorry

"Y/n. You will train Ateyum." My father says to me. Ateyum. He wants to train to fight. I sigh. "Yes Sempul." I say with a slight nod. I never dare object to my father. He gives a slight nod back. "Go and begin." He says before walking away to attend to his other duties.

I start the walk to the front of hometree where Ateyum is waiting for me. "Where are you going princess." I hear behind me. I roll my eyes before slowly turning to the man. "What do you want Jake." I ask bored. "That's not how you speak to your olo'eyktan." He says with a smirk. I roll my eyes again before turning around once again.

"You didn't answer my question. Where are you going?" He calls out. I sigh. "I'm going to train Ateyum." I reply facing him. His eyes harden. "Ateyum?" He repeats. I nod. "Yes Ateyum. My father has tasked me with training him. Not sure why it matters to you." I say looking into his eyes. He stands there silently causing me to chuckle quietly before returning to my destination.

"Ateyum?" I ask a boy sitting down. His head turns to me before he stands quickly. "Yes I'm Ateyum." He says meeting my gaze. I simply nod before starting towards the forest. He quickly follows behind. "Come. We will first work on your archery." I say to him. He nods quickly in response.

"No. Put your arm here." I say pushing his arm up for the 100th time. I sigh in frustration. I back away from him to let him release the arrow. Once again it misses and flies into a tree behind the target. I run my hands down my face. "Okay. Maybe we should call it a day. Tomorrow we will work on stance only." I say looking at him. His eyes look down as he nods.

We make it back to hometree and everyone is at dinner. I walk into the level of hometree where everyone is eating. I see my father and go to him and sit down. "Kaltxi sempul." "Hello father." I greet him. He nods in response before handing me some food. I take it gratefully. It's quiet. I look around and see everyone eating silently. Jake's not here.

After dinner I begin the walk to my personal home. I walk to the door and push aside the cloth that hides me from the rest of the clan. As I walk in I feel a hand grasp my wrist and pushes me into the wall beside me. I let out a gasp about to call for help until another hand clasps over my mouth. My eyes dart around the dark space trying to see who the mysterious person was.

The hand is removed from my mouth and they light a match before lighting a candle. My eyes dart to the person and my eyes widen to see him. "Jake? What the hell." I say in shock. His eyes look deep into mine as he stays silent. I try to push him away from me causing his grip to harden on my left wrist and his other hand grabbing my right. He pushes me harder into the wall pushing his sculpted chest against mine.

He grunts looking down at me. My eyes widen. "Jake what are you doing?" I ask. A small whimper slips through my lips. He takes a deep breath. "I don't want you to see Ateyum anymore." He says in a low voice. "You can't tell me who I can or cannot see!" I shout. His eyes harden at my tone.

"You will not see him again." He says in a dark voice. My words get caught in my throat. "I am to train him. It is decided by my father. Not you." I glare into his eyes. "I am olo'eyktan. I choose." He growls. I roll my eyes. "Why do you care?" I scoff. His face changes into an expression I can't read. He leans his face down next to my ear.

"You are mine." He says sternly. My eyes widen once again at his words. His? Who does he think he is? "I am no ones." I reply. He releases my wrists before grabbing my waist and throwing me over his shoulder causing me to grunt at the quick movement. "Jake what the fuck." I try to object. He ignores me and begins walking towards my sleeping area.

Jake throws me down onto my cot causing me to yelp in surprise. My eyes dart to his and he stares into me. His stare makes me feel as if he can hear every thought running through my head. My heart jumps and my body aches for him. "Jake." I say as I hold my hand towards him in hopes to work this out.

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